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One Truth Videos – The largest collection of short non-dual videos, nondual videos, and non dual videos in the world!

Very often the question of free will arises in Satsang and Mooji always responds the same by saying that we have limited free will which could be explained away by the fact that perhaps your limited free will may be determined as well. However, in this short 6 minute video, Mooji brings up another factor that most don’t ever even consider when asking about free will. See if you can find what it is…

This 22 minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…

In this very short 4 minute video clip taken from Mooji’s home in 2008, he reminds us that everything comes from emptiness and returns to emptiness. So, we as the witness of this are what? Listen to the words spoken by Mooji out of emptiness…

This beautifully produced one hour documentary about Mooji is a MUST see. To find out more about the creators of this awesome documentary, please go to

This very special 4 minute video is very short but contains ultimate wisdom. In this little video using quotes from Ramana Maharshi, he describes the true meaning of “guru” and whether a physical guru is needed or required for Awakening.

In this beautiful ten minute audio from one of his podcasts, Mooji points out how important it is to have the qualities of trust, faith and openness alive in you. Let’s sit back, close our our eyes and listen…

In this great little 9 minute clip, Papaji responds to a seeker who wants to finish the “I’. He explains that there is really only ONE “I” and any other “I” has to be dreamed into existence. This means that suffering can only be experienced when one is dreaming. Let’s listen to Papaji’s wise words of wisdom…

This is a very important 7 minute guidance for seekers of Truth to understand the storms of the mind and any attack of ‘personal identity.’ As Mooji explains, “Please ponder on this over and over again! Look forward to your next mind attack. Say, ‘Mind, Please come! I am waiting for you.’ This is the goal of any authentic spiritual Self-realisation!”

In this wisdom filled ten minute audio clip, Rupert reminds us that although many think that Awakening means reaching a state where we totally abide in our true essence always, in actuallity we need to alternate between abiding in our true essence and returning to objective experience in order to function in this dualistic play of life.

In this seven minute video, Ramana Maharshi describes in detail the day he realized the “Self”. Ramana Maharshi (Maha or great, Rishi or Enlightened Being) was the awe inspiring sage who’s presence graced the renowned sacred Arunachala hill during much of the 20th century.

In this wonderful 14 minute video, Mooji gives us a direct guidance and exercise to discover our inherent peace and stillness. By staying in this true place, we find that we don’t have to go out and change the world, but our very presence will begin to radiate peace and harmony.

In this beautiful four minute video from an interview with Mooji, he attempts to describe with words what we should be looking for in our search for the true “Self”, and points out some potential misunderstandings along the way in order to recognize them.

In this wonderful 10 minute video from Mooji, he drives home the point that our true “Self” is incorruptible and can only appear to be corrupted if we dream corruption, because in actuality that which is one can never be two, it can only dream two-ness. Realizing this is the key to the freedom that we seek.

In this lovely 9 minute video, a man feels ‘enchanted’ by thoughts and asks for guidance on how to stay connected to himself while thinking. Let’s listen carefully to Rupert’s response…

In this very enlightening 11 minute video, Mooji reads a letter from someone who has recently lost their partner, and is experiencing feelings of grief and a wish to just escape from this feeling. Moojibaba’s response is beautifully universal and touches on grief, loss, as well as relationships and attachments in general. Let’s listen…

Very often in spiritual circles we keep hearing how Awakening is a matter of Remembering something we once knew. In this compilation featuring Mooji and Rupert Spira, they both explain how Awakening does not require remembering and has nothing to do with remembering. Let’s listen to this wisdom to help us avoid this misunderstanding…

IF THIS VIDEO DOES NOT SHOW UP OR PLAY, CLICK ON THE BLUE LINK BELOW. In this amazing 15 minute compilation, Mooji answers the most popular questions about love such as “What is Love?”, “How to love everyone as I love myself?” , “How to Love without attachments?”, and “How to love unconditionally?”. Let’s find a quiet place and enjoy!

This eleven minute clip is Part 1 of 3 of an intimate conversation with Tony Parsons on the subject of non-duality. Tony offers a rather different and what some may call “radical” look at the oneness of all. Tony Parsons is the author of the book, “The Open Secret” and gives talks and facilitates investigation and discussion on the nature of Advaita Vedanta and non-dualism. He works both in the UK and internationally and his books are published in many countries. For Part 2 click here. For Part 3 click here.

In this AMAZING 7 minute video, Rupert explains in super easy to understand language that there is no individual “entity” inside the body orchestrating the activities of that particular body and mind. This also leads to the conclusion that there is really no personal responsibility. This can be a very scary statement when taken out of context, but Rupert explains how this does not lead to behaving in irresponsible ways.

In this WONDERFUL seven minute spontaneous Satsang recorded on one of Mooji’s walks, he reminds us why there seems to be a struggle with the ego during the process of Awakening and what we can do about it. Let’s listen to this awesome wisdom…

In this inspired 7 minute video, Rupert speaks about creation and manifestation as the nature of consciousness, and the desire for happiness as the one shared desire of all seven billion people on the planet.

Do you have 15 minutes for freedom? In this BEAUTIFUL guided meditation, Mooji takes us into our hearts where he plants the seeds of eternal wisdom. Let’s just sit back, relax and enjoy!

In this video Mooji addresses a common fear of wondering what will happen to “me” once I am realized. This fear can keep us from the “Truth” and keep us on a merry go round of questions and confusion until we are ready to give up the “me” and trust that as we loose our sense of individuality, we gain the recognition of being at the heart of all that is.

In this video, Mooji explains the day his ego was lost forever.

In this short impromptu moment with Mooji, he talks to us about being and remaining one with our true self whether we are meditating or in daily activities. He explains that this is possible because we don’t truly need the psychological mind (and its activities) to be ourselves.

In this amazing 12 minute compilation that features Mooji, Rupert Spira and Ramesh Balsekar, we find the answer to the question, “Do we have free will or not?” It is so encouraging to see that the TRUE teachers of the “Truth” all say exactly the same thing in different ways. Let’s listen as the question of “Free Will” is answered once and for all….

In this special 5 minute video we find Jeff Foster sharing a beautiful poem that he wrote about his journey to become a spiritual warrior. Let’s sit back, close our eyes and remain as presence while we listen to these inspiring words…

In this 12 minute spontaneous talk, which was recorded in a taxi on the way to the airport, after the car broke down, Mooji reminds us to not immediately think the worst when something unexpected, apparently bad happens but to see God´s presence and love in it. Everything is part of the bigger picture, of your destiny if you like to see it this way. Don´t complain, say thank you to God, ‘Thank you, your eyes are greater than mine.’

In this 5 minute video, we find 25 quotes from Nisargadatta Maharaj which points to his core teachings. Nothing is needed other than the simple truths revealed in these quotes to reach the highest knowledge and understanding of who we truly are.  As the pace of this video is rather swift, we recommend watching this video through the first time to help identify the quotes that resonate with you for further reflection.  And then you may want to watch it again and pause on the quotes that need a bit more reflection.  Let’s get started…

This wonderful 10 minute video from the archives, a question asks Mooji, “Why did consciousness, who is already bliss, become humans and all the other creatures living in a state of ignorance, AND once we find our way back to bliss, how can we make sure we don’t loose it again?” Let’s listen to Mooji’s response…

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