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HyStats Retirement

HyStats Retirement due to Hypixel API Policy Changes

Dear HyStats Community,

We hope this message finds you well. Today, we're faced with the unfortunate task of bringing you a news update that holds great weight for the future of HyStats.

Over the past years, since our release in July 2019, we've had the opportunity to build an incredible community centered around Hypixel stats tracking, a journey that we are very grateful for. However, due to recent changes in the Hypixel API policy, our ability to provide tracking services is coming to an end.

The revised Hypixel API policy no longer allows for any stats tracking, the functionality that HyStats was designed to deliver. After an attempt of changing our service, in terms of increased polling frequencies or updating only players actively using HyStats, the Hypixel team denied our application for an API key that would allow us to continue tracking player statistics.

This means that, with a heavy heart, we must announce the retirement of HyStats.

For our loyal Patrons, we want to assure you that we will process refunds for all active subscriptions, effective immediately. You should receive an email with the details regarding your refund within the next few days. We are having some trouble issuing refunds via Patreon, so if you don't receive an email please email us at support@hystats.net so we can contact Patreon support individually and sort this out. We want to take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. Over the last 4 years, your support has been the backbone of our operation, helping us to maintain, grow, and innovate a platform of great use to us all.

We remain deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to serve this community. Thank you once again for being a part of the HyStats journey.

With deepest appreciation,

The HyStats Team

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