class="bgImageTheme isSiteThemeEnabled beforeLoginVariables audionames bgImageTheme close w-100 h-100 bgOne primaryBg isDesktop isNotLogged "
ng-class="{'isBookmarkPreview' : app.activeAddBlock == 'preview_bookmark','isLeftRightSideNav' : app.activeAddBlock == 'bookmark_tags' || app.activeAddBlock == 'bookmark_types', 'isExtensionBannerEnabled' : app.installExtensionAlert, 'isMobile' : app.extensionIframeMobile, 'isDesktop': app.extensionIframeDesktop}"
ng-init=" app.active_product_name = '' ; app.searchPoupCmdEnable='3'; app.selectedarttribute_list =null; app.env_product_domain = ''; app.json_data="{\n \"subscription_page_title\": \"Subscription\",\n \"subscription_page_description\": \"Enable subscribers to upgrade and downgrade their plans\",\n \"current_plan_lable\": \"Current Plan\",\n \"active_lable\": \"Active\",\n \"plan_users\": \"Users\",\n \"upgrade_button\": \"Upgrade Your Plan\",\n \"plan_description\": \"You're currently on a\",\n \"end_trial\": \"plan .The trial will end on\",\n \"closed_lable\": \"Closed\",\n \"suspended_lable\": \"Suspended\",\n \"verification_pending\": \"Payment verification pending\",\n \"next_payment\": \"Your next payment is\",\n \"charged_on\": \"to be charged on\",\n \"automatically_renewed\": \"Your payment will be automatically renewed each month\",\n \"family_members\": \"Family Members\",\n \"invite_text\": \"Invite\",\n \"username_text\": \"Username\",\n \"invited_by\": \"Invited by\",\n \"created_at\": \"Created at\",\n \"actions_text\": \"Actions\",\n \"upgrade_membership\": \"Upgrade your membership\",\n \"create_members\": \"Create a Members to start with your Members list here\",\n \"existing_plan\": \"Your existing plan does not support this feature. Upgrade now\",\n \"no_thanks\": \"No thanks\",\n \"upgrade_text\": \"Upgrade\",\n \"billing_page_description\": \"Keep a track of all your previous and existing bills and payment\",\n \"invoicing_text\": \"Invoicing\",\n \"billing_information\": \"Modify Billing Information\",\n \"recurring_type\": \"Recurring Type\",\n \"start_date\": \"Start Date\",\n \"next_payment_date\": \"Next Payment Date\",\n \"receipt_payment_history\": \"Receipt & Payment History\",\n \"free_forever\": \"Free Forever\",\n \"usd_text\": \"USD\",\n \"payment_initiated\": \"Payment Initiated\",\n \"payment_waiting_verification\": \"Payment waiting for verification\",\n \"paypal_verification_pending\": \"PayPal verification pending\",\n \"stripe_verification_pending\": \"Stripe verification pending\",\n \"razorpay_verification_pending\": \"RazorPay verification pending\",\n \"android_verification_pending\": \"Google verification pending\",\n \"apple_verification_pending\": \"Apple verification pending\",\n \"subscription_closed\": \"Subscription Closed\",\n \"trial_closed\": \"Trial Closed\",\n \"manual_plan_closed\": \"Manual plan closed\",\n \"free_plan_closed\": \"Free plan closed\",\n \"payment_suspended_PayPal\": \"Payment Suspended from PayPal\",\n \"subscription_active\": \"Subscription Active\",\n \"subscription_cancelled\": \"Subscription Cancelled\",\n \"Payment_end_date_completed\": \"Payment end date completed\",\n \"Payment_declined\": \"Payment Declined\",\n \"last_payment\": \"Last payment:\",\n \"delete_button\": \"Delete\",\n \"transaction_id\": \"Transaction id\",\n \"all_in_one_basic\": \"All in one basic\",\n \"download_text\": \"Download\",\n \"company_customer_name\": \"Company\/Customer Name\",\n \"name_field_is_required\": \"Name field is required\",\n \"email_text\": \"Email\",\n \"phone_text\": \"Phone\",\n \"valid_phone_number\": \"Please enter only valid phone number\",\n \"address_text\": \"Address\",\n \"city_text\": \"City\",\n \"state_province_region\": \"State\/Province\/Region\",\n \"zip_postalcode\": \"Zip\/Postal Code\",\n \"vat_gst\": \"VAT\/GST\",\n \"country_text\": \"Country\",\n \"select_country\": \"Select country\",\n \"saved_sucessfully\": \"Saved sucessfully\",\n \"submit_text\": \"Submit\",\n \"date_text\": \"Date\",\n \"time_text\" :\"Time\",\n \"receipt_text\": \"Receipt\",\n \"download_invoice\": \"Download invoice\",\n \"cancel_subscription\": \"Cancel Subscription\",\n \"reason_text\": \"Reason\",\n \"please_enter_reason\": \"Please enter reason\",\n \"are_you_cancel_subscription\": \"Are you sure you want to cancel this subscription?\",\n \"close_text\": \"Close\",\n \"yes_text\": \"Yes\",\n \"amount_text\": \"Amount\",\n \"cancel_button\": \"Submit to Cancel\",\n \"default_cancel_button\": \"Cancel\",\n \"plansubscription_trial\": \"Trial\",\n \"plansubscription_Free\": \"Free\",\n \"plansubscription_Family\": \"Family\",\n \"plansubscription_Manual\": \"Manual\",\n \"plan_text\": \"Plan\",\n \"ref_id\": \"Reference Id\",\n \"platform_text\": \"Platform\",\n \"domain_page_title\": \"Domain Setup\",\n \"domain_page_description\": \"Select a domain or use a custom domain for your website.\",\n \"custom_domain\": \"Use Your Custom Domain\",\n \"your_domain_name\": \"Your Domain Name\",\n \"dns_for_this_domain\": \"How to update your DNS for this custom domain?\",\n \"update_and_generate_cname\": \"Update and Generate CNAME\",\n \"cname_verification\": \"CNAME Verification\",\n \"ip_text\": \"IP\",\n \"copy_text\": \"Copy\",\n \"get_ssl\": \"Get SSL\",\n \"cname_text\": \"CNAME\",\n \"billing_page_title\": \"Billing\",\n \"billing_history\": \"Billing History\",\n \"status_text\": \"Status\",\n \"team_text\": \"Team\",\n \"invite_your_team_members\": \"Invite your team members and establish relationships with your organizations\",\n \"roles_text\": \"Roles\",\n \"Department\": \"Department\",\n \"add_member_your_workspace\": \"Want to add a member to your workspace?\",\n \"much_more_included\": \"Create an organization and add as many people as you need! Granular permissions, White Label, advanced collaboration features and much more included!\",\n \"get_more_now\": \"Get More Now!\",\n \"members_text\": \"Members\",\n \"role_text\": \"Role\",\n \"workspaces_text\": \"Workspaces\",\n \"accepted_text\": \"Accepted\",\n \"invitation_send\": \"Invitation send\",\n \"no_team_member_found\": \"No team members found\",\n \"invite_resent_successfully\": \"Invite resent successfully\",\n \"all_text\": \"All\",\n \"select_status\": \"Select Status\",\n \"pending_text\": \"Pending\",\n \"deleted_text\": \"Deleted\",\n \"invite_members\": \"Invite members\",\n \"existing_members\": \"Existing members\",\n \"new_by_email\": \"New by email\",\n \"add_members\": \"Add members\",\n \"organization_access\": \"Organization access\",\n \"select_role\": \"Select role\",\n \"workspace_text\": \"Workspace\",\n \"workspace_access\": \"Workspace access\",\n \"select_workspace_access\": \"Select workspace access\",\n \"send_invitations\": \"Send Invitations\",\n \"enter_master_password\": \"Kindly enter your master password\",\n \"password_text\": \"Password\",\n \"confirm_text\": \"Confirm\",\n \"delete_workspace\": \"Delete Workspace\",\n \"filter_text\": \"Filter\",\n \"select_workspace\": \"Select workspace\",\n \"add_text\": \"Add\",\n \"role_based_title\": \"Roles\",\n \"role_based_description\": \"Assign and manage job roles of your teammates\",\n \"name_text\": \"Name\",\n \"description_text\": \"Description\",\n \"action_text\": \"Action\",\n \"no_roles\": \"No roles.\",\n \"delete_role\": \"Delete Role\",\n \"role_is_currently_use\": \"This role is currently in use.\",\n \"other_roles_first\": \"Please re-assign those users to other roles first.\",\n \"role_from_your_account\": \"Permanently delete this role from your account.\",\n \"operation_undone\": \"This operation cannot be undone.\",\n \"upgrade_your_membership\": \"Upgrade your membership\",\n \"upgrade_now\": \"Your existing plan does not support this feature. Upgrade now!\",\n \"Create Role\": \"Create Role\",\n \"Recurring type\": \"Type r\u00e9current\",\n \"monthly\": \"Monthly\",\n \"yearly\": \"Yearly\",\n \"Login\": \"login\",\n \"next_generation\": \"Next-Generation\",\n \"organizations_page_title\": \"Organizations\",\n \"organization_title_description\": \"Invite your team members and establish relationships with your organizations\",\n \"Create organization\": \"Create Organization\",\n \"organization_table_name\": \"Names\",\n \"organization_table_role\": \"Role\",\n \"organization_table_actions\": \"Actions\",\n \"organization_table_owner\": \"Owner\",\n \"organization_table_switch\": \"Switch\",\n \"subscription_page_trial_content\": \"<p class='font-16 font-weight-700'>Heads up, your :$plan_name trial expires soon!<\/p><p class='font-15'>You\u2019ll be downgraded to our Free plan on :$subscription_end_at unless you upgrade before then.<br>On the Free plan, you can use your account with limited functions, but you\u2019ll miss out on our best features.<\/p><p class='font-16 font-weight-700'>Features you\u2019ll lose\u2026<\/p>\",\n \"workspace_title\": \"Workspaces\",\n \"workspace_tilte_description\": \"Invite your team members and establish relationships with your organizations\",\n \"workspaces_tab_text\": \"Workspaces\",\n \"centertop_create_workspacebtn\": \"Create Workspace\",\n \"workspace_table_name\": \"Workspace Name\",\n \"workspace_table_members\": \"Members\",\n \"workspace_table_created\": \"Created\",\n \"workspace_table_actions\": \"Actions\",\n \"workspace_action_currenttext\": \"Current Workspace\",\n \"workspace_switchbtn\": \"Switch\",\n \"language_region_pagetitle\": \"Language region\",\n \"language_region_center_desc\": \"Descriptions here...\",\n \"language_region_startweek\": \"Start week on\",\n \"language_regionpage_languagelable\": \"Language\",\n \"languagepage_date_insertion\": \"Date Insertion Format\",\n \"language_regionpage_updatebtn\": \"Update\",\n \"workspace_right_workspacelable\": \"Workspace Name\",\n \"workspace_right_iconslable\": \"Icon\",\n \"workspace_right_colorslable\": \"Color\",\n \"workspace_right_backgroundlable\": \"Background\",\n \"Create workspace\": \"Create Workspace\",\n \"workspace_right_placehold\": \"New workspace name\",\n \"workspace_right_cancel\": \"Cancel\",\n \"workspace_right_submitbtn\": \"Submit\",\n \"notification_setting_title\": \"Notification Setting\",\n \"notification_setting_desc\": \"Enable and Disable email and push notifications as per your preference.\",\n \"notification_page_pushtext\": \"Push Notifications\",\n \"Send notification when team invite user\": \"Send notification when team invite user\",\n \"Groups\": \"Groups\",\n \"rightsidebar_organization_name\": \"Organization Name\",\n \"org_rightsidebar_workspacename\": \"Workspace Name\",\n \"org_rightsidebar_site_subdomain\": \"Site Subdomain\",\n \"org_rightsidebar_product_subdomain\": \"Product Subdomain\",\n \"org_name_placeholder\": \"Enter your organization name\",\n \"org_wrokspace_placeholder\": \"Enter your workspace name\",\n \"org_rightsidebar_icon\": \"Icon\",\n \"org_rightsidebar_color\": \"Color\",\n \"org_rightsidebar_background\": \"Background\",\n \"org_rightsidebar_cancel\": \"Cancel\",\n \"org_rightsidebar_create\": \"Create\",\n \"accountsinfo_title\": \"Account details\",\n \"manage_group_tableuser\": \"User\",\n \"manage_group_created\": \"Created\",\n \"manage_group_action\": \"Action\",\n \"managegroup_editupdatelabel\": \"Update\",\n \"grouppage_select_placehold\": \"Select users\",\n \"groups_description\": \"Create :$group_name to classify the organization's data based on specific responsibilities.\",\n \"Departments\": \"Departments\",\n \"department_description\": \"Create :$depatment_name to classify the organization's data based on specific responsibilities.\",\n \"NewDepartment\": \"New Department\",\n \"NewGroups\": \"New Groups\",\n \"Send notification when team joined\": \"Send notification when team joined\",\n \"Send notification when a user get a remainder\": \"Send notification when a user get a remainder\",\n \"Send notification when referral invite\": \"Send notification when referral invite\",\n \"Send notification when organization invite to user\": \"Send notification when organization invite to user\",\n \"Send notification when block assign to user\": \"Send notification when block assign to user\",\n \"Send notification when block remainder\": \"Send notification when block remainder\",\n \"Send notification when due date\": \"Send notification when due date\",\n \"Receive an email once you accept your invites.\": \"Receive an email once you accept your invites.\",\n \"Find all your invite emails from your teammates.\": \"Find all your invite emails from your teammates.\",\n \"Receive an email once anyone sends you referral invite\": \"Receive an email once anyone sends you referral invite\",\n \"Receive emails regarding referral rewards\": \"Receive emails regarding referral rewards\",\n \"Find all the trial expiring emails\": \"Find all the trial expiring emails\",\n \"Find all your workspace invite email\": \"Find all your workspace invite email\",\n \"accountinfo_emailseting\": \"Email Settings\",\n \"account_user_name\": \"User name\",\n \"domain_upgrade_title\": \"Upgrade Your Membership\",\n \"manage_group_newusertitle\": \"Want to add a member to your workspace?\",\n \"managegroup_newuser_description\": \"Create an organization and add as many people as you need! Granular\\npermissions, White Label, advanced collaboration features and much more included!\",\n \"managegroup_newuser_getbtn\": \"Get More Now!\",\n \"workspace_editmodal_title\": \"Edit Workspace\",\n \"workspace_editmodal_name\": \"Workspace Name\",\n \"workspace_editmodal_placehold\": \"New workspace name\",\n \"language_toastalert\": \"Updated successfully!\",\n \"org_emptytable_content\": \"Looks like you haven't created any organizations to invite your team members here!\",\n \"org_domain_errormsg\": \"This subdomain is already used\",\n \"account_centertopdescription\": \"Account setting allows you to control your personal credentials\",\n \"account_fullname\": \"Full name\",\n \"accountinfo_emailadress\": \"Email address\",\n \"accountpage_countrylable\": \"Country\",\n \"account_phonelable\": \"Phone\",\n \"account_time_zone\": \"Time zone\",\n \"account_uploadlable\": \"Upload\",\n \"contact_uspage_title\": \"Contact Us\",\n \"contactus_page_description\": \"We are here to respond to any questions you may have about :$app_name. Reach out to us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.\",\n \"org_edit_popup_title\": \"Edit Organization\",\n \"org_edit_organizationname\": \"Organization Name\",\n \"org_edit_orgname_placehold\": \"New organization name\",\n \"org_table_currentcontent\": \"Current organization\",\n \"manage_edit_selectlable\": \"Select groups\",\n \"manage_editpoupup_save\": \"Save\",\n \"upgrade_step verification\": \"Step Verification\",\n \"manage_rolecreatepopup_name\": \"Role Name\",\n \"rolepage_create_nameplacehold\": \"Enter role name\",\n \"managerolecreate_description\": \"Description\",\n \"rolepage_create_descplacehold\": \"Enter description\",\n \"role_create_permissionlabl\": \"Permission\",\n \"Folder delete\": \"Folder delete\",\n \"Folder view\": \"Folder view\",\n \"Any member who has access can view the folder.\": \"Any member who has access can view the folder.\",\n \"Folder create and edit\": \"Folder create and edit\",\n \"Any member who has access can create and edit the folder.\": \"Any member who has access can create and edit the folder.\",\n \"Any member who has access can delete the folder.\": \"Any member who has access can delete the folder.\",\n \"Page view\": \"Page view\",\n \"Any member who has access can view the page.\": \"Any member who has access can view the page.\",\n \"Page create and edit\": \"Page create and edit\",\n \"Any member who has access can create and edit the page.\": \"Any member who has access can create and edit the page.\",\n \"Page delete\": \"Page delete\",\n \"Any member who has access can delete the page.\": \"Any member who has access can delete the page.\",\n \"Page share\": \"Page share\",\n \"Any member who has access can share page.\": \"Any member who has access can share page.\",\n \"Page content edit\": \"Page content edit\",\n \"Any member who has access can edit content but not able access page changes.\": \"Any member who has access can edit content but not able access page changes.\",\n \"Comment view\": \"Comment view\",\n \"Any member who access can view the comment.\": \"Any member who access can view the comment.\",\n \"Comment post\": \"Comment post\",\n \"Any member who has accesss can post, edit and view the comments.\": \"Any member who has accesss can post, edit and view the comments.\",\n \"Manage Roles\": \"Manage Roles\",\n \"Users with this permission can manage your teams roles.\": \"Users with this permission can manage your teams roles.\",\n \"View Roles\": \"View Roles\",\n \"Users with this permission can view your teams roles.\": \"Users with this permission can view your teams roles.\",\n \"Manage Teammates\": \"Manage Teammates\",\n \"Users with this permission can manage teammates.\": \"Users with this permission can manage teammates.\",\n \"View Teammates\": \"View Teammates\",\n \"Users with this permission can view your teammates.\": \"Users with this permission can view your teammates.\",\n \"Manage Projects\": \"Manage Projects\",\n \"Users with this permission can view, edit, delete, etc. projects.\": \"Users with this permission can view, edit, delete, etc. projects.\",\n \"View Projects\": \"View Projects\",\n \"Users with this permission can view projects at once.\": \"Users with this permission can view projects at once.\",\n \"Settings Manage\": \"Settings Manage\",\n \"Users with permission can manage setting option.\": \"Users with permission can manage setting option.\",\n \"Workspace View\": \"Workspace View\",\n \"Any member who has access can view the workspace.\": \"Any member who has access can view the workspace.\",\n \"Workspace Create and Edit\": \"Workspace Create and Edit\",\n \"Any member who has access can create and edit the workspace.\": \"Any member who has access can create and edit the workspace.\",\n \"Workspace Delete\": \"Workspace Delete\",\n \"Any member who access can delete the workspace.\": \"Any member who access can delete the workspace.\",\n \"Organization View\": \"Organization View\",\n \"Any member who access can view the organization.\": \"Any member who access can view the organization.\",\n \"Organization Create and Edit\": \"Organization Create and Edit\",\n \"Any member who has access can create and edit.\": \"Any member who has access can create and edit.\",\n \"Organization Delete\": \"Organization Delete\",\n \"Any member who has access can delete the organization.\": \"Any member who has access can delete the organization.\",\n \"Team Member List View\": \"Team Member List View\",\n \"Any member who has access can view the team members list.\": \"Any member who has access can view the team members list.\",\n \"Team Member Create and Edit\": \"Team Member Create and Edit\",\n \"Any member who has access can create and edit the team member list.\": \"Any member who has access can create and edit the team member list.\",\n \"Team Members List Delete\": \"Team Members List Delete\",\n \"Any member who access can delete the team member.\": \"Any member who access can delete the team member.\",\n \"managerole_ownername\": \"Owner\",\n \"managerole_adminname\": \"Admin\",\n \"rolepage_description\": \"Owner of the organization or team\",\n \"rolepage_descriptionsecond\": \"Has access to most features, just not quite as much as the account owner.\",\n \"rolepage_descriptionthird\": \"Is restricted to content and resource management.\",\n \"managegroup_tablecontent\": \"Looks like you haven't created any groups yet!\",\n \"contactpage_hourstitle\": \"Customer Support Working Hours:\",\n \"contactpage_hoursdescription\": \"Customer support unavailable on public holidays\",\n \"contactpage_dayscontent\": \"(Monday to Saturday)\",\n \"domainpage_modaltitle\": \"Upgrade Your Membership\",\n \"domainpage_modaldescfirst\": \"You have reached your plan limit. Please upgrade your plan to unlock more features.\",\n \"domainpage_modalnotes\": \"Note: You can also delete existing content to make space for new ones.\",\n \"domainpage_modalnothankbtn\": \"No Thanks\",\n \"domainpage_modal_upgradebtn\": \"Upgrade\",\n \"contactus_nameplaceholder\": \"Name\",\n \"contactus_commentplacehold\": \"Comment\",\n \"contactus_errormsg\": \"ERROR for site owner: Invalid domain for site key\",\n \"manage_memberedit_title\": \"Edit Team Member\",\n \"create_text\": \"Create\",\n \"contactus_thanksheading\": \"Thanks for contacting us\",\n \"contactus_messagecontent\": \"We have received your message and we'll try to get back to you as soon as\\npossible.\",\n \"contactus_theteam\": \"The :$app_name Team\",\n \"contactus_enternametext\": \"Please enter your name\",\n \"contactus_enteremailtext\": \"Please enter your email\",\n \"contactus_validemail_text\": \"Please enter a valid email address\",\n \"contactus_subject_content\": \"Please select a subject\",\n \"contactus_enter_subject\": \"Please enter your subject\",\n \"contactus_enter_commenttext\": \"Please enter your comment\",\n \"groups_name_lable\": \":$group_name Name\",\n \"department_name_lable\": \":$depatment_name Name\",\n \"sites_whysitespedia_navdrptitle\": \"Why Sitespedia\",\n \"sites_enjoy_offertext\": \"Enjoy the Buyout Offer\",\n \"sites_nav_offersubheading\": \"Take advantage of our buyout program: Switch from your present platform and start to pay for Sitespediafy only when your current contract will be over.\",\n \"sites_home_learnmoretext\": \"Learn More\",\n \"sitesnav_whysitespedia_desc\": \"See why individuals and teams choose Sitespedia.\",\n \"sitesnav_howitwork_title\": \"How It Works\",\n \"sitesnav_howitwork_desc\": \"Learn how Sitespedia works for individuals and teams.\",\n \"sitesnav_usecase_title\": \"Use Cases\",\n \"sitesnav_usecase_desc\": \"Explore the many ways to use Sitespedia.\",\n \"sitesnav_personal_title\": \"Personal\",\n \"sitesnav_persona_description\": \"Automatically share your best reviews to social networks.\",\n \"sitesnav_family_title\": \"Family\",\n \"sitesnav_family_description\": \"Automatically share your best reviews to social networks.\",\n \"sitesnav_teams_title\": \"Teams\",\n \"sidenav_teams_description\": \"Automatically share your best reviews to social networks.\",\n \"sitesnav_education_title\": \"Education\",\n \"sitesnav_education_desc\": \"Automatically share your best reviews to social networks.\",\n \"sitesnav_more_content\": \"More\",\n \"sitesnav_byuser_title\": \"By User\",\n \"sitesnav_tabs_title\": \"Tabs\",\n \"sitesnav_tabs_description\": \"Explore the many ways to use Sitespedia.\",\n \"sitesnav_phones_title\": \"Phones\",\n \"sitesnav_phones_desc\": \"Automatically share your best reviews to social networks.\",\n \"sitesnav_laptop_desktop_title\": \"Laptop \/ Desktop\",\n \"sitesnav_lap_desktop_desc\": \"Automatically share your best reviews to social networks.\",\n \"sitesnav_mac_title\": \"Mac\",\n \"sitesnav_mac_description\": \"Automatically share your best reviews to social networks.\",\n \"sitesnav_windows_title\": \"Windows\",\n \"sitesnav_windows_description\": \"Automatically share your best reviews to social networks.\",\n \"sitesnav_platform_title\": \"Platform\",\n \"sitesnav_plat_enjoy_head\": \"Enjoy the Buyout Offer\",\n \"sitesnav_plat_enjoy_desc\": \"Take advantage of our buyout program: Switch from your present platform and start to pay for Sitespediafy only when your current contract will be over.\",\n \"sitesnav_plat_sitestitle\": \"Sitespedia\",\n \"sitesnav_bookmark_title\": \"Bookmark Manager\",\n \"sitesnav_tabmanager_text\": \"Tab Manager\",\n \"sitesnav_feedrss\": \"Feed RSS Reader\",\n \"sitesnav_startpage\": \"Start Page\",\n \"sitesnav_clipthe_web\": \"Clip The Web\",\n \"sitesnav_web_highlighter\": \"Web Highlighter\",\n \"sitesnav_annotate\": \"Annotate\",\n \"sitesnav_notes\": \"Notes\",\n \"sitesnav_bybrowser_title\": \"By Browser\",\n \"sitesnav_chrome\": \"Chrome\",\n \"sitesnav_firefox\": \"Firefox\",\n \"sitesnav_safari\": \"Safari\",\n \"sitesnav_opera\": \"Opera\",\n \"sitesnav_edge\": \"Edge\",\n \"sitesnav_mydevice\": \"By Device\",\n \"sitesnav_tablet\": \"Tablet\",\n \"sitesnav_pricing\": \"Pricing\",\n \"sitesnav_downloads\": \"Download\",\n \"Transparents and affordable pricing.\": \"Transparent and affordable pricing.\",\n \"Try any Sitespediafy paid plan for free for 14 days.\": \"Try any Sitespedia paid plan for free for 14 days.\",\n \"Individual Plans\": \"Individual Plans\",\n \"Team and Business Plans\": \"Team and Business Plans\",\n \"pricing_monthly\": \"Monthly\",\n \"pricing_annual\": \"Annual\",\n \"Try any Sitespedia paid plan for free for 14 days.\": \"Try any Sitespedia paid plan for free for 14 days.\",\n \"Starter\": \"Starter\",\n \"Pro\": \"Pro\",\n \"Pro plus\": \"Pro plus\",\n \"Family\": \"Family\",\n \"MOST POPULAR\": \"MOST POPULAR\",\n \"Choose plan\": \"Choose plan\",\n \"Start Trial\": \"Start Trial\",\n \"Unlimited Blocks\": \"Unlimited Blocks\",\n \"Unlimited Cards\": \"Unlimited Cards\",\n \"pricing_expand_all\": \"Expand all\",\n \"pricing_collapse_all\": \"Collapse all\",\n \"Business\": \"Business\",\n \"Business Plus\": \"Business Plus\",\n \"Workspace management\": \"Workspace management\",\n \"Pages count\": \"Pages count\",\n \"Blocks count\": \"Blocks count\",\n \"Cards count\": \"Cards count\",\n \"Collection folders\": \"Collection folders\",\n \"Unlimited\": \"Unlimited\",\n \"Project management\": \"Project management\",\n \"Workspace\": \"Workspace\",\n \"Organization access\": \"Organization access\",\n \"Custom domain\": \"Custom domain\",\n \"Storage (GB)\": \"Storage (GB)\",\n \"Group create\": \"Group create\",\n \"Roles create\": \"Roles create\",\n \"User management\": \"User management\",\n \"Team members\": \"Team members\",\n \"pricing_cta_head\": \"Organize your links and bookmarks, finally.\",\n \"pricing_cta_description\": \"Become focused, organized, and faster with GoLinkify.\",\n \"pricing_cta_freeaccount\": \"Create Free Account\",\n \"Edit Group\": \"Edit :$group_name\",\n \"Create Group\": \"Create :$group_name\",\n \"Edit Department\": \"Edit $group_name\",\n \"Create Department\": \"Create :$group_name\",\n \"Edit Role\": \"Edit Role\",\n \"siteshome_nexttitle\": \"Next-Generation\",\n \"sitesfirstfold_heading\": \"Bookmark Manager, \\nShort Links & Site Launcher\",\n \"sitesfirstfold_desc\": \"Navigate quickly between your links, searches, and bookmarks across devices and browsers for you and your team.\",\n \"sitesfirstfold_tryitbtn\": \"Try It Yourself\",\n \"sitesfirstfold_browsertext\": \"Browser Extensions\",\n \"sitesfirsfold_mobileapp\": \"Mobile Apps\",\n \"sitesfirstfold_freeplan\": \"Try our free plan\",\n \"sitesfirstfold_creditcard\": \"No credit card required\",\n \"sitesfirstfold_setuptext\": \"Takes 5 minutes to set up\",\n \"sites_dahboard\": \"Dashboard\",\n \"sitesfirstfold_tabtitle\": \"Sitespedia: Simplified browser orangization\",\n \"sitesfirstfolud_urltext\": \"\",\n \"sitesfirstfold_bookdesc\": \"Stop juggling from one browser to another. Keep all your important info handy- videos, articles, websites, or any digital resources that you find online. Align your own little space to find anything on the go by adding tags and categories, which will automatically sync to any device.\",\n \"sitesfirstfold_tabdesc\": \"Opening too many tabs all at once can be slightly overwhelming. Tab manager extension for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, etc. to organize multiple tabs in a dedicated space and thus freeing up the memory taken up by them. You can find, close, re-arrange, and switch tabs exactly the way you want.\",\n \"sitesfirstfold_rssdesc\": \"Never miss an update on the topics you are interested to read. Organize and read everything you can\u2019t wait to learn without any distractions rather than cluttering multiple sites and getting it dumped from a single dashboard.\",\n \"sitesfirstfold_startpagedesc\": \"Keep up with everything when it comes to the content you want to consume. Customize your start page by including any number of widgets, website, tools, social media, and other platforms that matter to you the most.\",\n \"sitessec_clipweb\": \"Clip the Web\",\n \"sitesfirstfold_highlightdesc\": \"An effective new tool to highlight and annotate information directly in any web pages or PDFs you want to find reliable content faster. Instantly take a glance at what you want to find faster than ever. Highlights will be reflected directly on the web page whenever you revisit.\",\n \"sitesfirstfold_annotatedesc\": \"Enhance your Google experience by highlighting even on the web pages or PDFs. Annotate is flexible for every type of team. Edit, add and share content anytime, anywhere.\",\n \"sitesfirstfold_notesdescri\": \"Do not miss any pointers in almost any format you want. Add text, audio, images, email, website, anything you find online. Notes isn\u2019t just about dumping ground, instead it allows you to organize your notes.\",\n \"siteshome_bookmarks\": \"Bookmarks\",\n \"siteshome_screencap\": \"Screen capture\",\n \"pricing_cta_terms\": \"It's quick, easy, and free!\",\n \"siteshome_stickynote\": \"Sticky notes\",\n \"siteshome_draft\": \"Draft\",\n \"siteshome_walkthrough\": \"Walkthrough\",\n \"siteshome_password\": \"Password\",\n \"siteshome_linkssites\": \"Links? Sitespedia.\",\n \"siteshome_linksitesdesc\": \"Sitespedia is a productivity app for visually organizing and managing all your web links and websites, favorites, inspirations, ideas, and research in a workspace for different purposes like personal, professional, or academic. We've covered all use cases. Teams and individuals around the world use Sitespedia every day.\",\n \"siteshome_save\": \"Save\",\n \"siteshome_savedesc\": \"Keep all your links in one place.\",\n \"siteshome_organize\": \"Organize\",\n \"siteshome_organizedesc\": \"Organize your favorite links by creating folders and tagging them.\",\n \"siteshome_share\": \"Share\",\n \"siteshome_sharedesc\": \"Sharing links with your friends, colleagues & family was never easier!\",\n \"siteshome_access\": \"Access\",\n \"siteshome_accessdesc\": \"Access your bookmarks across all your devices.\",\n \"siteshome_workspace\": \"Workspaces\",\n \"siteshome_workspacedesc\": \"Workspaces are the best way to organize your team and your personal projects.\",\n \"sitessecondfold_docs\": \"Docs\",\n \"sitessec_whiteboards\": \"Whiteboards\",\n \"sitessec_dashboards\": \"Dashboard\",\n \"sitessec_heading\": \"Keep your browsing stack organized - all in one place\",\n \"sitessec_bookmarkman\": \"Bookmark Manager\",\n \"sitessec_yournamebio\": \"\",\n \"sitessec_jugglingdesc\": \"Stop juggling from one browser to another. Keep all your important info handy- videos, articles, websites, or any digital resources that you find online. Align your own little space to find anything on the go by adding tags and categories, which will automatically sync to any device.\",\n \"sitessec_replaces\": \"Replaces:\",\n \"sitessec_tab_manage\": \"Tab Manager\",\n \"sitessec_feedrss\": \"Feed RSS Reader\",\n \"sitessec_start_page\": \"Start Page\",\n \"sitessec_clipwebdesc\": \"Found anything interesting such as tools, photos, email, and web pages that you will take a glance later? Clip the web allows you to easily save, edit, and organize it from any device on the go. Keep your store full with all the important content you can read anywhere.\",\n \"sitessec_highlighter\": \"Web Highlighter\",\n \"sitessec_bring_desc\": \"Bring your ideas to life with Whiteboards.\",\n \"sitessec_accessible\": \"Accessible\",\n \"sitessec_accessibledesc\": \"Access even outside of the browser- be it a computer, phone, or laptop without installing any third-party application.\",\n \"sitessec_nolimit\": \"No limits\",\n \"sitessec_nolimtdesc\": \"Unlimited bookmarks, collections, folders, and devices. As a user, you can add any number of collections, bookmarks, and everything related to your interests.\",\n \"sitessec_stylingopt\": \"Styling options\",\n \"sitessec_stylingdesc\": \"Play around with the styling options- fonts, colors, images, gifs, thumbnails along with the content link to catch anyone\u2019s attraction instantly.\",\n \"sitessec_importexpo\": \"Import & export\",\n \"sitessec_importexpodesc\": \"Move-in or move out from Sitespedia files & folders at any time you want. You can even add tags, move or remove multiple items at once.\",\n \"sitessec_withease\": \"Organize with ease\",\n \"sitessec_witheasedesc\": \"Sitespedia is not just a pretty interface, it can help you untangle your mess and organize it exactly the way you want without any hassle.\",\n \"sitessec_seehow\": \"See how you're doing in real-time with Dashboards.\",\n \"sitessec_getstart\": \"Get Started\",\n \"sitessec_unlimsites\": \"Unlimited Sitespedia\",\n \"sitessec_unlimsitesdesc\": \"Fast navigation between links, searches, and bookmarks.\",\n \"sitessec_forgetctrl\": \"Forget ctrl+C & ctrl+V, instead Sitespedia\",\n \"sitessec_gokey\": \"Go\/keyword\",\n \"sitessec_sueface\": \"- Surface info easily.\",\n \"sitessec_tagname\": \"+\/tag name\",\n \"sitessec_workfast\": \"- Get done your work faster.\",\n \"sitessec_instant\": \"Instant share\",\n \"sitessec_sharesites\": \"Share anywhere the Sitespedia\",\n \"sitessec_sharedesc\": \"Knock out the extending steps in finding resources by shortening the links and share them with your team on the go.\",\n \"sitessec_nextgener\": \"Next-generation bookmark manager\",\n \"sitessec_nextgendesc\": \"The bookmark manager is not meant for the storage alone of your internet resources, it\u2019s a knowledge bank of data you collected over time and information should be revisited or frequent visit instantly when required easily.\",\n \"sitessec_myjobdesc\": \"My job is all about providing contexts to people and switching between tools. Working remotely makes it tedious work to share resources instantly with my colleagues. Sitespedia has made it way easier to share resources at the speed of thought on the go. Managing my bookmarks and sharing them in shortcut links helped in increasing productivity amongst the team.\",\n \"sitessec_nomoredesc\": \"No more hopping around bookmarks, sharing Sitespedia to my teams and colleagues helps me to reach my goals faster and makes my life simpler. Saves time by 90%, searching and looking out for resources to be shared and eliminates so many steps in between that prolongs the process.\",\n \"sitessec_aleena\": \"Aleena Clark\",\n \"sitessec_foundercass\": \"Founder of CASS!\",\n \"sitessec_shortcut\": \"GO\/ SHORTCUTS\",\n \"sitessec_exploreinter\": \"Explore the internet faster with Sitespedia\",\n \"sitessec_internaldesc\": \"Internal shortcut for your links and reach directly to the resources at the speed of thought in your address bar.\",\n \"sitessec_gotext\": \"GO\/\",\n \"sitessec_neverask\": \"Never ask,lookup, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V use Go\/ and +\/.\",\n \"sitessec_letus\": \"Let us show you Go\/ and +\/.\",\n \"sitessec_freetrial\": \"Free Trial\",\n \"sitessec_fastonboard\": \", fast Onboarding\",\n \"sitessec_training\": \"Training\",\n \"sitessec_supportinc\": \"and Support Included\",\n \"sitessec_secu\": \"Secure\",\n \"sitessec_gdpr\": \"and GDPR Compliant\",\n \"sitessec_users\": \"Users\",\n \"sites_reviews\": \"Reviews\",\n \"siteslogin_navinvite\": \"Invite Friends\",\n \"siteslogin_navaccount\": \"Account Settings\",\n \"siteslogin_navprofile\": \"My profile\",\n \"siteslogin_navlogout\": \"Logout\",\n \"siteslogin_searchplacehol\": \"Search Bookmarks, Sitespedia\",\n \"siteslogin_siteslable\": \"Sitespedia\",\n \"siteslogin_addlinkstart\": \"Add link to start\",\n \"siteslogin_searchany\": \"Search anything to start\",\n \"Group\": \"Group\",\n \"mydesk_overdue\": \"Overdue\",\n \"mydesk_today\": \"Today\",\n \"mydesk_upcoming\": \"Upcoming\",\n \"mydesk_completed\": \"Completed\",\n \"mydesk_duedate\": \"No Due Date\",\n \"mydesk_pages\": \"Pages\",\n \"my_desk_allpages\": \"All Pages\",\n \"mydesk_starred\": \"Starred\",\n \"mydesk_unsorted\": \"Unsorted\",\n \"mydesk_trash\": \"Trash\",\n \"mydesk_tabs\": \"Tab Manager\",\n \"mydesk_centerttop_title\": \"My desk\",\n \"mydesk_centertop_search\": \"Search\",\n \"mydesk_centertop_page\": \"Pages in August\",\n \"mydesk_all\": \"All\",\n \"mydesk_pagesin\": \"Pages in\",\n \"mydesk_pendreview\": \"Pending review\",\n \"mydesk_finished\": \"Finished\",\n \"mydesk_tray\": \"Tray\",\n \"mydesk_new\": \"New\",\n \"mydesk_newpage\": \"New Page\",\n \"mydesk_newpagesubhead\": \"Start writing on a blank page\",\n \"mydesk_quicknote\": \"Quick Note\",\n \"mydesk_quicknotedesc\": \"in Today\u2019s Daily Note\",\n \"mydesk_newfolder\": \"New Folder\",\n \"mydesk_newfoldsubhead\": \"Quickly organize your notes\",\n \"mydesk_templates\": \"Templates\",\n \"mydesk_tempsubhead\": \"Browse and pick a template\",\n \"mydesk_duplicate\": \"Duplicate\",\n \"mydesk_reminder\": \"Reminders\",\n \"mydesk_due\": \"Due date\",\n \"mydesk_assign\": \"Assign to me\",\n \"mydesk_tasks\": \"Tasks\",\n \"mydesk_date\": \"Date\",\n \"mydesk_page\": \"Page\",\n \"mydesk_notasks\": \"No tasks\",\n \"tabspage_titlecontent\": \"What's this overview for?\",\n \"tabspage_titledesc\": \"Sitespedia temporarily moves and hides all your inactive tabs in this window when tab management is enabled. You can remove all the inactive tabs if this window bothers you.\",\n \"tabspage_newwindow\": \"New window\",\n \"tabspage_openexten\": \"Open in Extension\",\n \"tabspage_hidentab\": \"hidden tab\",\n \"tabspage_closemanage\": \"Close tab manager\",\n \"tabspage_managedesc\": \"Do you want to restore unsaved tabs and close tab manager?\",\n \"footercnt_byjdify\": \"by JDify\",\n \"footercnt_headdesc\": \"Reputation management and customer acquisition made easy.\",\n \"footercnt_selfserve\": \"Self-Serve Resources\",\n \"footercnt_helpcent\": \"Help Center\",\n \"footercnt_whatsnew\": \"What\u2019s New\",\n \"footercnt_academy\": \"Academy\",\n \"footercnt_blog\": \"Blog\",\n \"footercnt_productteam\": \"Product Support Team\",\n \"footercnt_supporttick\": \"Support Ticket\",\n \"footercnt_livechat\": \"Live Chat\",\n \"footercnt_status\": \"Status\",\n \"footercnt_walllove\": \"Wall of Love\",\n \"footercnt_requestfea\": \"Request a Feature\",\n \"footercnt_roadmap\": \"Product Roadmap\",\n \"footercnt_blogs\": \"Blogs\",\n \"footercnt_haveques\": \"Have More Questions?\",\n \"footercnt_happytohelp\": \"We're always happy to help.\",\n \"footercnt_contactus\": \"Contact Us !\",\n \"footercnt_otherjdify\": \"Other JDify Products\",\n \"footercnt_terms\": \"Terms\",\n \"footercnt_privacy\": \"Privacy\",\n \"footercnt_a\": \"A\",\n \"footercnt_jdify\": \"JDify\",\n \"footercnt_product\": \"Product\",\n \"footercnt_gdpr\": \"GDPR\",\n \"footercnt_cookie\": \"Cookie\",\n \"footercnt_security\": \"Security\",\n \"footercnt_accessibility\": \"Accessibility\",\n \"footercnt_description\": \"Stay in control of the complex business process with our suite of software, designing, and productivity tools for you and your team with JDify. Ideate, Plan, and Execute with JDify tools which will be your expert support in every aspect of your business. Build reputation and credibility with our brand-building tools by evaluating your social impact.\",\n \"footercnt_reputation\": \"Reputation management and customer acquisition made easy.\",\n \"footercnt_selfserveres\": \"Self-Serve Resources\",\n \"goodbye_youvelog\": \"You've logged out successfully from\",\n \"goodbye_exploreall\": \"Explore All\",\n \"goodbye_products\": \"Products\",\n \"goodbye_tryanypro\": \"Try any of our products for FREE without adding your credit card details.\",\n \"AudioNames\": \"AudioNames\",\n \"Build your brand and name pronunciation right\": \"Build your brand and name pronunciation right\",\n \"\": \"\",\n \"Keep your users up-to-date on your product\": \"Keep your users up-to-date on your product\",\n \"\": \"\",\n \"Add reviews & user-generated content (UGC) to websites\": \"Add reviews & user-generated content (UGC) to websites\",\n \"oldSitespedia\": \"oldSitespedia\",\n \"Saas, Open source tools, and software in one workspace\": \"Saas, Open source tools, and software in one workspace\",\n \"KBify\": \"KBify\",\n \"Instant self-serve customer support for your website\": \"Instant self-serve customer support for your website\",\n \"\": \"\",\n \"Track and manage your subscriptions and expenses\": \"Track and manage your subscriptions and expenses\",\n \"\": \"\",\n \"Product walkthrough, tour, and guide for your users\": \"Product walkthrough, tour, and guide for your users\",\n \"CrowdPhrase\": \"CrowdPhrase\",\n \"Agile Localization management platform for teams\": \"Agile Localization management platform for teams\",\n \"login_welcometitle\": \"Welcome back\",\n \"login_signintoaccess\": \"Sign in to access your account.\",\n \"login_createaccount\": \"Create an Account,\",\n \"login_freeforever\": \"Free forever.\",\n \"login_nocredit\": \"No credit card required.\",\n \"login_changeorrest\": \"Change or reset your password\",\n \"login_wewillsend\": \"We will send you an email that will allow you to reset your password.\",\n \"login_emailoruser\": \"Email or User name\",\n \"login_johnplaceholder\": \"eg., John Doe\",\n \"login_forgotpass\": \"Forgot password?\",\n \"login_log\": \"Log in\",\n \"login_beforeyoulog\": \"Before you login,we need to verify that it's you\",\n \"login_enterthecode\": \"Enter the code generated on your mobile device below to log in!\",\n \"login_verify\": \"Verify\",\n \"login_fullname\": \"Full Name\",\n \"login_username\": \"User Name\",\n \"login_emailaddr\": \"Email Address\",\n \"login_agreewith\": \"Agree with\",\n \"login_termsofuse\": \"Terms of Use\",\n \"login_and\": \"and\",\n \"login_privacypol\": \"Privacy Policy.\",\n \"login_clickhere\": \"Click here to log in\",\n \"login_newhere\": \"New here?\",\n \"login_joinwithem\": \"Join with email\",\n \"login_please\": \"Please\",\n \"login_forenrolling\": \"for enrolling beta.\",\n \"login_forgotyou\": \"Forgot your password?\",\n \"login_signwith\": \"Sign in with Google\",\n \"login_signwithface\": \"Sign in with Facebook\",\n \"login_signwithtwit\": \"Sign in with Twitter\",\n \"login_createfreeac\": \"Create a free account\",\n \"login_alreadyhave\": \"Already have an account?\",\n \"login_login\": \"Login\",\n \"terms_termsofuse\": \"Terms of Use\",\n \"terms_termservice\": \"Terms of Service\",\n \"terms_acceptance\": \"Terms of Acceptance\",\n \"terms_agreeconsists\": \"This agreement consists of the following terms and conditions if any specific to the use of individual services (hereinafter the \u201c Service Specific Terms\u201d). The General Terms and service-specific terms will be collectively referred to as \u201cTerms\u201d. In the event of a conflict between the General Terms and Service-specific terms, the service-specific terms shall prevail.\",\n \"terms_modificationterm\": \"Modification of Terms of Services\",\n \"terms_maymodify\": \"may modify the Terms of Services from time to time. The new updated version will be reflected on our website. Any augment or updated features, including all the upcoming tools and resources, shall be subject to the Terms of Service. We may alter or modify the terms at any time and keep you updated through an announcement or by sending an email to your primary email address. You may terminate your use of the services by indicating with an email before or prior to 30 days of being notified of the availability of the modified terms. During such termination, you will be entitled to a pending refund of the unused portion of any paid plan.\",\n \"terms_yourcontinued\": \"Your continued use of the service after the effective date shall constitute your consent to such changes. You can review the most current version of the Terms of Service anytime you want.\",\n \"terms_descriptionservice\": \"Description of Service\",\n \"terms_offerwide\": \"offers a wide range of services for team collaboration and business management which includes reviews, audio-to-video converter, logo design, widgets, bill tracking, and many more services. The services can be used for personal and business purposes or for internal business purposes in the organization. You are the sole person or entity to be responsible for accessing the service to the fullest. At any point in time, you can create and edit content with your user account.\",\n \"terms_usersign\": \"User Sign up Obligations\",\n \"terms_accountmanage\": \"Account Management and Administration\",\n \"terms_paymentsubsc\": \"Payment & Subscription Terms\",\n \"terms_youcanavail\": \"You can avail of our free trial without any need for credit card details. The free trial is only for limited features to try the premium features you must begin a paid subscription which requires credit card details. The service you purchase will be billed on a monthly or annual basis. In either case, the paid amount will be non-refundable.\",\n \"terms_warantydisc\": \"Warranty and Disclaimer\",\n \"terms_limitliab\": \"Limitation of Liability\",\n \"terms_indemni\": \"Indemnification\",\n \"terms_governinglaw\": \"Governing Law and Jurisdiction\",\n \"terms_anycontrov\": \"Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to the Terms shall be settled and adjudicated exclusively by the Court of India.\",\n \"terms_endterms\": \"End of Terms of Service\",\n \"terms_ifyouhave\": \"If you have any questions or concerns related to the Terms of Service mentioned here, please contact us at our official email id.\",\n \"terms_wishlist\": \"Wishlist\",\n \"terms_compare\": \"Compare\",\n \"terms_signin\": \"Sign in\",\n \"terms_signup\": \"Sign Up\",\n \"pvc_policytitle\": \"Privacy Policy\",\n \"pvc_whatdocnt\":\"What do we do with the Collected Information?\",\n \"pvc_wemaydesc\": \"We may amend this privacy policy at any time, with or without any prior notice, so we recommend you frequently check once before availing of our services.\",\n \"pvc_whatinfodesc\": \"What Information do we Collect?\",\n \"pvc_wecollectdesc\": \"We collect information about you when you provide it to us, when you use our Services, and when other sources provide it to us only for any legitimate purpose:\",\n \"pvc_interactioncnt\":\"We record, analyze, and use your interaction with us, which includes email ID, telephone number, and chat conversation with our customer support professionals to increase our customer experience.\",\n \"pvc_provideuscnt\": \"Information that you Provide:\",\n \"pvc_payinfocnt\": \"When you require a subscription, we collect information but do not store your credit card number, once you enter your credit card it is directly sent to our third-party payment provider. Our third-party payment providers and processors have the right to collect and store your billing address and credit card information on our behalf. We might change our payment provider at any point in time. Your credit card will not be visible to our employees and contractors. We do not have any right to alter your credit card number or billing address in any situation. You agree that our third-party payment may collect and store your billing address and credit card on your behalf. Our third-party provider guarantees to implement appropriate technical measures.\",\n \"pvc_testimonialcnt\": \"When you give us the authority to post testimonials regarding our products and services on the website, we may include your name and other related information about you in the testimonial. However, before posting the testimonial, you will be allowed to review and approve the testimonial before posting it.\",\n \"pvc_infoyouprocnt\": \" The information that you provide through our customer support, submit information regarding the issue that you are facing in the form of documentation, screenshot, or information for resolving the issues.\",\n \"pvc_thatyouprocnt\": \"that you provide us:\",\n \"pvc_infofrombrowcnt\": \"When you visit our websites, we collect information that web browsers, mobile devices, and servers make available, including IP address, browser type, language preference, time zone, date and time, operating system, mobile network information for understanding our customers better.\",\n \"pvc_firstpartycnt\": \"All the temporary and permanent cookies on our website are to identify the behavior of our services. We are allowed to embed unique identifiers in our downloadable products to track the behavior of our products. To track our visitor's devices, website navigation, geographical information, user engagement, and other details. We make use of only the first-party cookies instead of third-party tracking technologies on our website.\",\n \"pvc_fromapplogocnt\": \"We collect information while you use our products, services, or mobile applications using the application logs and in-house usage analytics tools to better understand how we can improve our products. This information is all about the clicks, scrolls, features accessed, access time and frequency, performance chart, settings and configuration, user location, and devices.\",\n \"pvc_referalifcnt\": \"If you have participated in a referral program, then in that case you may provide your name, email address, phone number, or any other personal information. To remove your information, you may contact us at our email ID to take the information directly from our database.\",\n \"pvc_howweuseinfocnt\": \"How we use the information totally depends on which services you use, how you use them, and any particular preference you have.\",\n \"pvc_improveyoucnt\": \"Improve your User Experience:\",\n \"pvc_withallinfocnt\": \"With all the info you provide on our website is to provide the services you\u2019ve requested. Also to create, and maintain your accounts, and keep track of any unauthorized activity on your accounts. All the info also helps us to have better communication with you about our updated products or services, your customer support requests, your feedback, and policy updates. With the above response, we analyze the information to understand our customers\u2019 needs and to improve our website and services.\",\n \"pvc_researchcnt\": \"Research and Development:\",\n \"pvc_wearealwayscnt\": \"We are always motivated to upgrade our services smarter, faster, and more secure. We use the information and constructive feedback about how people use our services to troubleshoot and identify trends, usage, and behavior patterns to improve our overall services and develop new products, features, and technologies. We also use feedback and information to improve similar features.\",\n \"pvc_promotedrivecnt\": \"Promote and Drive Engagement:\",\n \"pvc_weallthecnt\": \"We use all the important information to send promotional communications that may interest you by sending emails and marketing clips. This information is for analytics and to maximize the benefits you receive from our product. We will also send you updates about the new services, product offers, promotions, and programs. However, you have control over whether you want to receive these communications.\",\n \"pvc_legalrightcnt\": \"Legal Rights:\",\n \"pvc_wealsocollectcnt\": \"We also collect this info on a legal basis. In case of any legal issue, we must demonstrate that we have another legal basis, such as our legitimate business interests. You are even allowed to decline to provide us with a little information either by not providing the information in the first place or by opting out later. You also have an option to disable cookies to prevent your browser from capturing any data, however in that case certain website features will not work properly. We only allow access to your personal information to very few selected employees and contractors who have legitimate use of it. We make sure that if we are sharing your information with other parties they must appropriate security measures and a valid reason.\",\n \"pvc_westorecnt\": \"We store your personal information as long as it is required for the purposes mentioned in this privacy policy. When we no longer have a legitimate to process your information, we will delete, anonymize, or isolate your information, whichever is appropriate.\",\n \"pvc_withwhomcnt\": \"With whom do we share your Personal Data?\",\n \"pvc_wedosellcnt\": \"We do not sell your personal information to anyone whoever it is. We share your personal information only in the ways that are mentioned in the privacy policy.\",\n \"pvc_indeconscnt\": \"Independent Contractors:\",\n \"pvc_serviceprocnt\": \"Service Providers:\",\n \"pvc_somwemaycnt\": \"Sometimes, we may need to share personal information with the third-party service providers with whom we associate such as marketing and advertising partners, payment partners, and web analytics. The above-mentioned service providers are authorized to make use of our personal information only at a necessary point.\",\n \"pvc_regcnt\": \"Registrars:\",\n \"pvc_wesharecnt\": \"We share your name and contact information such as an address, email ID, name, and phone number under the ICANN domain registration rules.\",\n \"pvc_comcnt\": \"Company:\",\n \"pvc_wemaysharcnt\": \"We may share your personal information with our authorized partners for delivering any information related to products that are downloaded by you. However, if you want you have an option to discontinue work with the partner.\",\n \"pvc_devcnt\": \"Developers:\",\n \"pvc_howdostorecnt\": \"How do we Store and Secure your Information?\",\n \"pvc_howtokeepcnt\": \"How to Keep Control of Your Information?\",\n \"pvc_therearecertaincnt\": \"There are certain methods when it comes to keeping control of your information. Let's check out how the points mentioned below: We follow the principles of limitations to protect your data. Therefore, we only store your personal data for as long as it is required to accomplish the purpose of the product as long as the many storage periods required by the law. All your rights such as the right to access, rectification, cancellation, limitation of processing, data portability and to withdraw consent. We allow you to access your personal data stored at any time you want. Also, we allow you to correct, edit, limit, or delete your personal data as per your request. If you ever come across that your personal data has been processed unlawfully, or incorrectly, you can limit its processing by us. All our legal rights, correction, deletion, and limitation of processing are respective to the data.\",\n \"pvc_prechoicecnt\": \"Per your choice:\",\n \"pvc_asausercnt\": \"As a user, you have the right to request a copy of your personal information or request to delete your information or request in a structured, electronic format. Either by logging into the services or stopping using the service once and for all. Also, your request and choice may be limited: If you have made a request, which reveals information about someone else or if you request us to delete information that we are permitted to have by law. If you requested to share data with third parties if in case you have installed third-party apps, you need to contact those third-party service providers.\",\n \"pvc_andupdatecnt\": \"Update your Information:\",\n \"pvc_asauseryoucnt\": \"As a user, you have the ability to access and update information about yourself from within the services. You can any time update your profile information directly from your profile and change the content.\",\n \"pvc_youaccountcnt\": \"Your Account:\",\n \"pvc_atanypointcnt\": \"At any point in time, if you no longer wish to use services, you are allowed to deactivate your Services account from the settings. If you have any issues doing that you can contact our support team to assist you. However, deleting the account will not delete your information.\",\n \"pvc_youinfocnt\": \"Your Information:\",\n \"pvc_youcancnt\": \"You can delete certain information directly from the service such as profile information from the profile settings. However, there is certain information we may need to retain certain information to keep records.\",\n \"pvc_fromusingsercnt\": \"Using Our Services:\",\n \"pvc_inspeccnt\": \"In specific conditions, you can ask us to stop accessing your information if you think we don't have appropriate rights. If you have an inactive account, you can request us to delete your account. When you make such requests, we may need time to investigate and fulfill your request. If we are not whether we have the right to continue using your information, we will restrict any usage of your information. If you have an objection to your information shared with a third-party app, kindly disable the application.\",\n \"pvc_controlcnt\": \"Controls:\",\n \"pvc_asauseryouhavcnt\": \"As a user, you have the right to turn off your cookie control directly.\",\n \"pvc_nottrackcnt\": \"Do Not Track (DNT) Features:\",\n \"pvc_therearesomcnt\": \"There are some browsers that have DNT features that have the capability to send signals to the website you visit. Our service does not respond to any DNT signals sent by the browser. Currently, there is a standard law available to respond to such issues.\",\n \"pvc_infousageoptcnt\": \"Information Usage Option\",\n \"pvc_choosenoncnt\": \"Choose the non-essential electronic communication: All the customers have the choice of receiving newsletters and notifications by tapping on the unsubscribe option. Even, in that case, you will continue to receive notices and transactional emails.\",\n \"pvc_youcananydisacnt\": \"You can disable browser cookies even before visiting websites. In such cases, you will not be allowed to access certain features of the websites. You are not bound to provide optional personal information such as your photo and other optional details. At any time you can delete or change your optional profile information.\",\n \"pvc_legalbascnt\": \"Legal Bases for Processing EEA Users\",\n \"pvc_ifsomeeurocnt\": \"If you are someone in the European Economic Area (EEA), we collect and process information about you only where we have legal bases to do as per the EU laws. All the legal bases depend on the services you use and therefore we collect your information only in certain cases:\",\n \"pvc_weprothesercnt\": \"We provide the services, which include the services, customer support, personalized features, and security of the services.\",\n \"pvc_forreseachsnt\": \"For research and development, to market the products or services, and to protect our legal rights. You allow us to do only for a specific purpose or else we have to process your data to comply with a legal obligation.\",\n \"pvc_yourightrelcnt\": \"Your Rights Related to Information\",\n \"pvc_undertoprocnt\": \"undertakes to provide you with the rights no matter where you choose to reside.\",\n \"pvc_righttoacccnt\": \"Right to Access:\",\n \"pvc_accthepercnt\": \"Access the personal information that we hold about you, which includes the source of information, purpose, and period of processing.\",\n \"pvc_rightreccnt\": \"Right to Rectification:\",\n \"pvc_anyyouupdcnt\": \"Anytime you can update the information we hold about you and additional information about you in our database.\",\n \"pvc_righteracnt\": \"Right to Erasure:\",\n \"pvc_anyyoureqcnt\": \"Anytime you can request to delete your personal information in certain circumstances, such as when it is no longer necessary.\",\n \"pvc_rightrestcnt\": \"Right to Restriction:\",\n \"pvc_yourestthecnt\": \"You can restrict the use of certain information, only when you have objected to our use of data.\",\n \"pvc_rightportacnt\": \"Right to Data Portability:\",\n \"pvc_transyoucnt\": \"Transfer your information to a third party in a structured manner.\",\n \"pvc_rightobjcnt\": \"Right to Object:\",\n \"pvc_anytimeyoucnt\": \"Any time you can object to the use of your information such as the use of your personal information only for direct marketing.\",\n \"pvc_rightcomplcnt\": \"Right to Complain:\",\n \"pvc_youcpmlifcnt\": \"You can complain if you come across the inappropriate usage of your data. You may not have the right to access it if there is no supervisory authority dealing with data protection in your country.\",\n \"pvc_genercnt\": \"General\",\n \"pvc_therecertcnt\": \"There are certain limitations to privacy and you are obliged to adhere. We have all the rights to disclose personal information if it is necessary for any kind of legal purpose, prevent fraud, enforce an agreement, or protect our user\u2019s safety. If you have any concerns or queries about our privacy policy, you can any time get in touch with us for clarification.\",\n \"pvc_childpricnt\": \"Children\u2019s Privacy\",\n \"pvc_ourservcnt\": \"Our service or products are not directed to children below the age of 16. Also, we do not encourage collecting personal data from children without receiving any parental consent. If anyone accessing the site is not under 16, please do not use or access the site at any time. If we come across to know that children have entered personal information without parental consent, we will immediately delete this information. Or else, if you come across anyone accessing our visit below the age of 16 you may send us an alert message in the \u201cContact Us\u201d.\",\n \"pvc_modpricnt\": \"Modification of the Privacy\",\n \"pvc_wehaveallrigcnt\": \"We have all the rights to change the privacy policy at any point in time to make sure that it complies with current legal requirements or to update the recent changes that we made to our product. Check out our privacy policy periodically to stay updated.\",\n \"terms_usersign_paragraph\": \"As a user, you need to sign up by providing all the important information in order to access it. If you are using it for an organization, we recommend that you and all other users from your organization sign up for user accounts by providing your corporate contact information such as email address, password, and phone number. It is your responsibility to provide true, accurate, current, and complete information about yourself for the signing-up process. If any of the information provided is untrue, inappropriate, or outdated, :$product_name is responsible for terminating your user account immediately or restricting the usage of any or all the services.\",\n \"terms_subscriptionbeta\":\"Subscription to Beta Services\",\n \"terms_subscriptionbeta_paragraph\": \"We offer certain Services as closed or open beta services for testing and evaluation. We have the sole authority and discretion to determine the period for testing and evaluation of Beta Services. Also, we are responsible for judging whether the beta service is up to the mark or not. As a customer, you will be under no obligation to use any paid services as a result of your subscription to use any paid services. :$product_name is solely responsible for fully or partially discontinuing any time we want. Also, we are obliged to inform you with or without any prior notice. At any point, we will not be liable to you or any third party for any harm caused due to the suspension or discontinuance of Beta Services.\",\n \"gdpr_dataprodesc\": \"Data protection by design means comes into the role of ensuring only the personal data that is required is collected and incorporates privacy features and functionality into the products since it was stated in the design.\",\n \"gdpr_dataprotectdesc\": \"Data protection by default means businesses need to implement appropriate measures to mitigate privacy risks while collecting the data and extending it while processing it.\",\n \"gdpr_whatdoestext\": \"What\u200b \u200bdoes\u200b \u200bGDPR\u200b \u200bmean\u200b \u200bby\u200b \u200b\u201cdata protection\u200b \u200bby\u200b \u200bdesign\u200b \u200band\u200b \u200bby\u200b \u200bdefault\u201d?\",\n \"gdpr_thisappliesdesc\": \"This applies when it is commercial interests. The controller should have everything documented and recorded on decisions of legitimate interests.\",\n \"gdpr_legittext\": \"Legitimate Interests: \",\n \"gdpr_tisisapplitodesc\": \"This is applicable to the activities of public authorities.\",\n \"gdpr_publictask\": \"Public Task:\",\n \"gdpr_thisisapplicabledesc\": \"This is applicable to the urgent matters of life and death, especially related to health data.\",\n \"gdpr_vitaltext\": \"Vital Interests:\",\n \"gdpr_thiapplidesc\": \"This particularly applies when you have to comply with an obligation under any applicable law. For e.g; providing information in response to a valid request.\",\n \"gdpr_legaltext\": \"Legal Obligations:\",\n \"gdpr_consentofdesc\": \"Consent of the data means', any freely given, specific, informed indication of the data subject's wishes by a statement or by clear affirmative action related to personal data processing.\",\n \"gdpr_contest\": \"Consent:\",\n \"gdpr_itiswhendesc\": \"It is when you process the personal data to fulfill your contractual obligations or to take some actions based on the customer's request.\",\n \"gdpr_contract\": \"Contract:\",\n \"gdpr_thedatacontext\": \"The data controller can choose from the six data processing bases given below:\",\n \"gdpr_whatarethetext\": \"What are the lawful ways the data controller can use to process customer data?\",\n \"gdpr_modelortext\": \"Model or contractual clauses\",\n \"gdpr_euprivacytext\": \"EU-US Privacy Shield\",\n \"gdpr_notheredesc\": \"No, there is no rules and regulation in practice. The GDPR does not require EU personal data to stay in the EU nor there is any restrictions on the transfer of personal data outside the EU. Data transfer from the EU can be legitimated in multiple ways:\",\n \"gdpr_shouldthetext\": \"Should the GDPR require EU data to stay in the EU?\",\n \"gdpr_arapublictext\": \"Are a public sector authority.\",\n \"gdpr_carryouttext\": \"Carry out large-scale systematic monitoring of individuals\",\n \"gdpr_processhugetext\": \"Process huge amounts of personal data\",\n \"gdpr_thedpodesc\": \"The DPO is responsible for informing employees and conducting monitoring, training, and audits required by the GDPR. DPO is important to appoint in multiple cases given below:\",\n \"gdpr_whatdoesdatatext\": \"What does \u200ba Data\u200b \u200bProtection\u200b \u200bOfficer\u200b \u200b(DPO) mean\u200b \u200band\u200b \u200bdoes\u200b \u200bmy\u200b \u200bbusiness\u200b \u200bneed one?\",\n \"gdpr_thislawdesc\": \"This law is applicable to any organization that deals with personal data. It doesn't matter where your organization is located- if your organization deals with the personal data of subjects of the EU, you are under the jurisdiction of the law.\",\n \"gdpr_wheredoestext\": \"Where does the GDPR apply?\",\n \"gdpr_theeusdesc\": \"The EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is designed for protecting data and privacy laws. The EU has realized that while technology has evolved drastically, the privacy policy also needs to. In 2016, EU regulatory has decided to update the current data protection directive to match the evolving technologies and their uses. This law is to create a list of regulations that govern the processing of the personal data of EU residents.\",\n \"gdpr_faqs\": \"FAQs:\",\n \"gdpr_ourtooldesc\": \"Our tools and applications assist customers in meeting obligations under the GDPR right to be forgotten to make it easy to delete personal data from our database.\",\n \"gdpr_datasubtext\": \"Data Subject Rights\",\n \"gdpr_individualspridesc\": \"Individuals' Privacy Rights and Consent\",\n \"gdpr_isacontentdesc\": \"GDPR is a continuous process of safeguarding everyone\u2019s data. Also, we make sure that we do not violate any of the rules set forth by GDPR and keep a regular eye on GDPR law. If you require any information about our GDPR, get in touch with us.\",\n \"gdpr_weregularlytext\": \"We regularly update all our policies like cookies, terms of services, and privacy policy we also require our user's consent to our terms of service and privacy policy prior to using our software.\",\n \"gdpr_webupdate\": \"Website Update\",\n \"gdpr_aspergdpr\": \"As per the GDPR, the EU does not allow you to transfer any of the customer\u2019s data unless an adequate mechanism is in place to ensure the security of the personal data.\",\n \"gdpr_processpertext\": \"Processing of Personal Data Outside of the EU\",\n \"gdpr_wealosdesc\": \"We also have designed a Data Processing Agreement (DPA) to allow our clients to have GDPR-compliant sites themselves. This document clearly states how we protect our customer\u2019s data without violating any law.\",\n \"gdpr_atregulartext\": \"At regular intervals, we keep updating our privacy policy which gives detailed information about how we collect, use, process, protect, and manage the personal data of both the controller and processor.\",\n \"gdpr_privacypolicttext\": \"Privacy Policy and Data Processing Agreement\",\n \"gdpr_hasitowndesc\": \"has its own internal process for how we respond and resolve queries related to individual rights. This individual has all the customer rights which include the right to information, right to rectification, right to access, right to erasure, right to restrict processing, right to data portability, and right to object for making including profiling.\",\n \"gdpr_customrighttext\": \"Customer\u2019s Rights\",\n \"gdpr_makesusetext\": \"makes use of Consent, legitimate interest, and contracts as a legal basis to process data based on the personal information we\u2019ve collected.\",\n \"gdpr_legalbasictext\": \"Legal Basis for Processing Data\",\n \"gdpr_thedataprodesc\": \"The data protection impact assessments (DPIA) are for identifying assess or minimizing privacy risks with data processing activities.\",\n \"gdpr_dataprotecttext\": \"Data Protection Impact Assessment\",\n \"gdpr_itismanagetext\": \"It is to manage all the collected data for the only purpose why it was collected. We also remove or delete the personal data of the accounts that are not active anymore.\",\n \"gdpr_dataminitext\": \"Data Minimization\",\n \"gdpr_thegrprforidendesc\": \"The GDPR is for identifying and documenting all the personal data collected from the EU data subjects. We categorize and map the type of personal data that are collected for better identification.\",\n \"gdpr_collectofpersondesc\": \"Collection of Personal Data\",\n \"gdpr_theframeworktext\": \"The Framework of GDPR Compliance\",\n \"gdpr_personaldataisdesc\": \"Personal data is nothing but any data that is related to an individual. This law covers a wide spectrum of information of any individual to identify a person. Personal data just does not mean the person\u2019s name or email id. It also includes genetic data, IP address, physical address, and ethnicity.\",\n \"gdpr_whatispersonaldesc\": \"What is Personal Data?\",\n \"gdpr_thegdprdesc\": \"The GDPR is designed for any globally operating company and not only for EU-based businesses and residents. We make it most effective to protect our customers\u2019 data irrespective of where they reside.\",\n \"gdpr_generaldatadesc\": \"GDPR or General Data Protection Regulation is EU-wide privacy that came into effect in May 2018. It is for regulating how the EU residents\u2019 data is protected by companies and enhancing the control of EU personal data.\",\n \"gdpr_whatisgdpr\": \"What is GDPR?\",\n \"gdpr_iscommitdesc\": \"is committed to taking care of our customer\u2019s data protection and compliance. We make sure that we do not collect any personal data more than anything required for the better functioning of the website, all while protecting your customer\u2019s personal data. We\u2019ve opted for a lot of changes about how to process related to data security.\",\n \"gdpr_commitmenttext\": \"'s Commitment to GDPR\",\n \"delete_user\" : \"Delete Member from Family\",\n \"sure_delete_this\" : \"Are you sure you want to remove this member from the family? This action cannot be undone.\",\n \"calendar\":\"Calendar\",\n \"searchpopup_add_new_category\":\"Add new category\",\n \"searchpoup_enter_to_search\":\"Press enter to search\",\n \"searchpoup_suggested\": \"Suggested\",\n \"searchpopup_you_mustselect_at_least_one_site\":\"You must select at least one site!\",\n \"searchpopup_add_a_keyword_for_your_search\":\"Add a keyword for your search!\",\n \"searchpopup_bookmarks\":\"Bookmarks\",\n \"searchpopup_onesearch\":\"OneSearch\",\n \"searchpopup_cancelchanges\":\"Cancel changes\",\n \"searchpopup_restore_default_engines\":\"Restore default engines\",\n \"searchpopup_remove_engines\":\"Remove engines \",\n \"searchpopup_sort_list\":\"Sort list\",\n \"searchpopup_sort_by_global_rank\":\"Sort by global rank\",\n \"searchpopup_push_frame_breaker_down\":\"Push frame breaker down\",\n \"searchpopup_sort_by_recently_update_engine\":\"Sort by recently update engine\",\n \"searchpopup_sort_by_engine_language\":\"Sort by engine language\",\n \"searchpopup_check_all\":\"Check all\",\n \"searchpopup_uncheck_all\":\"Uncheck all\",\n \"searchpopup_add_engines\":\"Add engines\",\n \"searchpopup_find_search\":\"Find search\",\n \"searchpopup_save_engine_list\":\"Save Engine List\",\n \"searchpopup_cancel_all_changes\":\"Cancel All Changes\",\n \"searchpopup_restore_default_engine_list\":\"Restore Default Engine List\",\n \"searchpopup_remove_all_engine\":\"Remove All Engine \",\n \"searchpopup_check_uncheck_all_engines\":\"Check\/Uncheck All Engines\",\n \"searchpopup_add_new_engine\":\"Add New Engine\",\n \"searchpopup_find_search_engines\":\"Find Search Engines\",\n \"searchpopup_sort\":\"Sort\",\n \"searchpopup_pages\":\"Pages\",\n \"searchpopup_sections\":\"Sections\",\n \"searchpopup_blocks\":\"Blocks\",\n \"manage_desk\":\"My Desk\",\n \"temporarily_active\":\"Temporarily Active\",\n \"previous _plan\":\"Previous Plan\",\n \"trail_expired\":\"Trial Expired\",\n \"billling_information\":\"Billing Information\",\n \"time_reports\":\"Time Reports\",\n \"pages\":\"Pages\",\n \"trash_pages\":\"Trash pages\",\n \"unsoretd_pages\":\"Unsorted Pages\",\n \"starred_pages\":\"Starred pages\",\n \"all_pages\":\"All pages\",\n \"manage_pages\":\"My Pages\",\n \"my_desk\":\"My Desk\",\n \"searchpoup_search\":\"Search\",\n \"searchpopup_save\":\"Save\"\n}\n"; app.active_product_id='9';app.allowedPermissions = [];app.product_json.site_domain= false ;app.subdomain_slug = ''"
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