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d="M4.25 20.5c0 .667 1 1.833 3.25 2.917 2.917 1.416 7.083 2.333 11.5 2.333s8.583-.833 11.5-2.333c2.25-1.167 3.25-2.25 3.25-2.917v-4.583c-3.5 2.166-8.75 3.5-14.75 3.5s-11.333-1.334-14.75-3.5V20.5Zm29.417 5.917c-3.5 2.166-8.75 3.5-14.75 3.5s-11.25-1.334-14.667-3.5V31c0 .667 1 1.833 3.25 2.917 2.917 1.416 7.083 2.333 11.5 2.333s8.583-.833 11.5-2.333c2.25-1.167 3.25-2.25 3.25-2.917v-4.583h-.083ZM0 31V10C0 4.75 8.5.5 18.917.5 29.333.5 37.833 4.75 37.833 10v21.083c0 5.25-8.5 9.5-18.916 9.5C8.5 40.583 0 36.25 0 31Zm18.917-15.75c4.5 0 8.583-.833 11.5-2.333 2.25-1.167 3.25-2.25 3.25-2.917 0-.667-1-1.833-3.25-2.917-2.917-1.416-7.084-2.333-11.5-2.333-4.417 0-8.584.833-11.5 2.333-2.25 1.167-3.25 2.25-3.25 2.917 0 .667 1 1.833 3.25 2.917 2.916 1.416 7.083 2.333 11.5 2.333Z" />

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d="M10.9 35C4.40001 34.5 -0.499986 28.8 1.36048e-05 22.3C0.300014 18.5 2.30001 15.2 5.50001 13.2C6.50001 5.20003 13.8 -0.399971 21.8 0.600029C28.4 1.40003 33.5 6.60003 34.4 13.2C39.9 16.6 41.6 23.9 38.2 29.5C36.2 32.7 32.8 34.8 29.1 35H10.9ZM21.8 20.5H27.3L20 11.4L12.7 20.5H18.2V27.8H21.8V20.5Z" />

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d="M21.8 20.5V30.6L25.1 27.3L27.7 29.9L20 37.6L12.3 29.9L14.9 27.3L18.2 30.6V20.5H21.8ZM20 0.5C26.5 0.5 31.9 5.3 32.6 11.8C37.9 13.3 41.1 18.7 39.6 24.1C38.5 28.1 35 31 30.9 31.4V27.8C30.9 21.8 26 16.9 20 16.9C14.1 16.9 9.3 21.5 9.1 27.4V27.8V31.4C3.6 30.9 -0.500001 26 -5.92321e-07 20.5C0.399999 16.3 3.3 12.9 7.3 11.8C8.1 5.3 13.5 0.5 20 0.5Z"
fill="currentColor" />

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d="M16.7 0.6C17.4 0.5 18 0.5 18.6 0.5C30.4 0.5 40 10.1 40 21.9C40 22.5 40 23.1 39.9 23.8H37.1C36.2 33.2 28.3 40.5 18.6 40.5C8.3 40.5 0 32.2 0 21.9C0 12.2 7.3 4.3 16.7 3.4V0.6ZM16.7 23.8V7.1C8.5 8.1 2.8 15.6 3.8 23.7C4.7 31.1 11.1 36.7 18.5 36.7C26 36.7 32.3 31.1 33.3 23.7H16.7V23.8ZM36.2 20C35.3 11.7 28.8 5.2 20.5 4.3V20H36.2Z"
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d="M39.3472 29.2643C39.3464 31.8864 38.4501 34.4296 36.8068 36.4728C35.1635 38.5161 32.8716 39.9369 30.3107 40.5L29.0874 36.8302C30.2076 36.6457 31.2729 36.215 32.2066 35.5691C33.1402 34.9232 33.919 34.0783 34.4867 33.0951H29.7604C28.7434 33.0951 27.768 32.6911 27.0489 31.972C26.3297 31.2528 25.9257 30.2775 25.9257 29.2604V21.591C25.9257 20.5739 26.3297 19.5986 27.0489 18.8794C27.768 18.1603 28.7434 17.7563 29.7604 17.7563H35.3936C34.9257 14.0498 33.1214 10.6414 30.3192 8.17074C27.517 5.70004 23.9095 4.33679 20.1736 4.33679C16.4377 4.33679 12.8302 5.70004 10.028 8.17074C7.22583 10.6414 5.42149 14.0498 4.9536 17.7563H10.5868C11.6038 17.7563 12.5792 18.1603 13.2984 18.8794C14.0175 19.5986 14.4215 20.5739 14.4215 21.591V29.2604C14.4215 30.2775 14.0175 31.2528 13.2984 31.972C12.5792 32.6911 11.6038 33.0951 10.5868 33.0951H4.83472C3.81769 33.0951 2.84231 32.6911 2.12316 31.972C1.40401 31.2528 1 30.2775 1 29.2604V19.6736C1 9.08403 9.58403 0.5 20.1736 0.5C30.7632 0.5 39.3472 9.08403 39.3472 19.6736V29.2643ZM35.5125 29.2604V21.591H29.7604V29.2604H35.5125ZM4.83472 21.591V29.2604H10.5868V21.591H4.83472Z"
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Ads.Txt Alerts - A trading name of Red Volcano Limited

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