Calisthenics Workout Plans & Exercises
Free Calisthenics Workouts and Exercises To Help You Build Muscle, Burn Fat & Increase Strength.
Free Calisthenics Workouts By Fitness Level
Bodyweight programs for all fitness levels that include PDF downloads, video examples, and graphical representations of each exercise.
Calisthenics For Beginners
A comprehensive, easy-to-follow, 8-week workout program targeted just for beginners that will put you on the path to a leaner, healthier, confidence-boosting body.
Advanced Calisthenics
This program is for those looking to push themselves to the limits and get shredded! Over 50 bodyweight exercises that will work your entire body.
Calisthenics For Seniors
A comprehensive, easy-to-follow program specifically designed for seniors. Build a foundation of physical health by following guidelines & research of experts of senior fitness.
Subscriber Testimonial
A Shot Of Adrenaline has definitely made a difference in my life, I found your website consistently useful, from starting from scratch to advancing and I’ve seen amazing developments in my body and my mind’s ability to step out of my comfort zone regarding exercise. You have to take some of the credit for this success. I really appreciate your work and all the free resources you have on your site. Keep up the good work and know that you are making a positive difference!
Bodyweight Exercise & Movements
Choose from several categories of base bodyweight exercises and movements. Each category has dozens of exercises from beginner to advanced. Learn the proper form for each calisthenics exercise so you can add it to your workout routine.