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4 tips for virtual tailgating in the COVID Era

You want to tailgate and go to game but can’t because of Coronavirus concerns. These four tips will help you tailgate like a champion while staying safe.

4 tips for virtual tailgating in the COVID Era Read More »

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Notre Dame tailgating grill

Notre Dame Tailgating Grill

Another one of our readers customized a Freedom Grill FG-50 and converted it to Notre Dame colors and theme.

Notre Dame Tailgating Grill Read More »

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Tailgating Round-up: Inaugural Edition

Back by popular demand, tailgating round up. Bringing you the relevant news about tailgating and the tailgate party lifestyle from news sources from around the web.

Tailgating Round-up: Inaugural Edition Read More »

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Soccer Pub

Football Pubs

We as tailgaters are naturally social people. If we didn’t like crowds or other people that share the same devotion as we do, we would avoid a tailgating parking lot like the plague. Adding to the natural social appeal of tailgating is the spirit and passion of sports. Gathering and cheering for the same team

Football Pubs Read More »

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Product Review: Kingsford EcoLight Charcoal Lighter

For a lot of years I was a propane only kind of guy. Maybe not to the level of Hank Hill but I stayed away from charcoal for one sole reason: Lighter Fluid. Thankfully I learned about the other methods of lighting charcoal and my apprehensions evaporated much quicker than that lighter fluid stink. So,

Product Review: Kingsford EcoLight Charcoal Lighter Read More »

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