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Free & Open Source Social Network Script | IsVipi OSSN

Social Network Script

Start your own social network with our free & open source software.

Built with Core PHP & MySQL, Bootstrap & FontAwesome, IsVipi OSSN is one of the simplest, most reliable and easily customizable social networking software available today. Founded in 2013 as a project of The Swift Intellect Group, the script has continued to increase its user base and has had over 1 million downloads. Furthermore, we now have a team of dedicated developers and a community, that will ensure timely security and feature updates for all kinds of projects, including the odd ones like live blackjack online.

Did we say it is free for unlimited use? Well, download and install it to as many servers as possible. We only request you to leave the “Powered by…” link intact. If you have to remove it, please contact us for your personalized and completely white-label license.

Demo Download

Do you need help with the layout, color-scheme or features? Reach out to us!


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