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Naval Ships Data Management
26 Nov 2022 Leave a comment
in Management, Tech Bytes, Technical
Naval ships are relatively high value assets housing a large number of equipment and complex systems. The equipment onboard a typical modern-day naval ship would range from the conventional electro-mechanical machineries, piping and instrumentations, to the most advanced communication, navigation and weapon systems which uses the state-of-the-art technologies. The volume of logistics support data associated with these assets is immense and the effective management of this data plays a major role in determining the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) of the naval ships.
Efficacious asset logistics support functions and data management will not only lead to cost savings but also ensures increased asset availability, and improved operational efficiency, thereby positively impacting the Life Cycle Cost of the asset. Availability of accurate and comprehensive logistics support data enables efficient maintenance planning, identifying optimum maintenance strategies including predictive maintenance, facilitates performance monitoring, ensures compliance with regulations, and aids in asset disposition decisions.
Non-availability of relevant logistics support data of the assets is one of the major constraints limiting the capability of the navies to conduct in-depth analysis for identifying the measures to optimize the Life Cycle Cost of the ships. This paper focuses on identifying the key functional areas of assets logistics support and data management, and the relevance of managing it effectively during the in-service phase of the vessel for optimizing the Life Cycle Cost of the naval ships.
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