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Medical Admission Support - Get Admission

Medical Admission Support

Today we have decided to explain how we support medical UG PG aspirants to get admission through counselling.

Medical Admission Counseling support

We will help/guide in an error-free filling of NEET UG ,, PG counseling online registration form for round 1 and round 2 for:

  • All India Quota counseling

  • AFMC medical counseling

  • Deemed/ central university counseling

  • ESI medical college counseling

  • State Govt. ,Semi Govt. ,, Private medical colleges

2. We will help guide /filling of NEET UG ,, PG form for state counseling; online registration form, choice filling and choice locking for round 1 and round 2.

3. We will broadcast on WhatsApp/Email important, useful information and updates regarding:

  • Counseling date and status updates as and when required.

  •  Important news/ information/ alerts from Govt. of India/ state govt/state counseling authority/deemed university/ supreme court of India/ DMER of all states/CBSE/MCI/NTA and DGHS.

  • Important information about colleges such as their affiliation status and facilities

  • Document requirements at the time of joining college/counseling.

4. We will provide personalized assistance at all the state counseling and deemed university

counseling venues.

5. Our representatives will be there with every single student to help in all the aspects of counseling

We will provide air-conditioned waiting space for comfortable waiting near counseling venues.

6. We will provide a live status update of counseling at the waiting space.

7. We will provide critical information related to past year cut off, rank and choices of seats for colleges of your choice, state wise top Government, private and deemed colleges.

8. We will help/ guide you where you should apply the NEET UG ,, PG form in other states as per your

Rank, Qualification, domicile/category/Budget/ location choice etc.

9. We will provide personalized support during the document verification venues at open states such as UP(Meerut/Agra/Lucknow) ,Delhi and Bangalore.

Admission support

We will provide personalized services so that you can save time, cost and hales of travel, form filling, waiting for counseling, and anxiety of missed opportunities and lack of guidance.

  •  personalized services for document verification and counseling: At selected counseling centers, we will ensure/facilitate document verification and counseling for every student.

  •  MOP up round Management: We will personally guide you during the mop-up round to improve chances of admission. Our expertise will ensure optimal management of every chance of admission for the students.

  • Rescue admission support (seat allotment at the college level): we will help/ guide you during counseling of vacant seats. Our efficient management will ensure every student gets the best possible opportunity for admission.

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