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Book Cover: Noor by Nnedi Okorafor

Matt’s Reviews: Noor by Nnedi Okorafor

ISBN:                  9780756416096   Publication date: 11/16/2021   Publisher:            PENGUIN PUTNAM TRADE   Pages:                224   Author:               Nnedi Okorafor Noor by Nnedi Okorafor is another African-based science fiction novel from the author. Okorafor mixes traditions, cultures and technologies from the […]


Many, if not most, SF fans who are readers would really like to see a movie made from his works that adhered to Heinlein’s story and didn’t take great leaps away from his ideas to someone else’s, as in the Paul Verhoeven Starship Troopers. I think Predestination is one that Heinlein would have liked. Do you agree?

Starship Flight Test 4: Hot Take

In keeping with Spacex’s rapid iterative approach, Flight Test 4 was successfully completed today, June 6th, 2024, less than 3 months after Flight Test 3. Mission objectives were to achieve a controlled reentry for both […]

SpaceX Starship Test Flight 4

SpaceX successfully launched its fourth test of its Starship/Heavy Booster combination. Starship successfully reached orbital insertion and the heavy booster successfully performed its landing operations – boostback burn and landing burn – before dropping into […]

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Starship Flight Test 4: Hot Take

In keeping with Spacex’s rapid iterative approach, Flight Test 4 was successfully completed today, June 6th, 2024, less than 3 months after Flight Test 3. Mission objectives were to achieve a controlled reentry for both […]

SpaceX Starship Test Flight 4

SpaceX successfully launched its fourth test of its Starship/Heavy Booster combination. Starship successfully reached orbital insertion and the heavy booster successfully performed its landing operations – boostback burn and landing burn – before dropping into […]

Time Machine: June 2, 2024

AMAZING NEWS FROM FANDOM: June 2, 2024 AMAZING NEWS: June 2nd, 2024 Matt’s Reviews: I Am A Strange Loop by Douglas Hofstadter Jack Clemons, NASA Engineer and Author, Passes Whatever Happened to the BLACK HOLE? […]


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Book Cover: Anti-intellectualism in American Life by Richard Hofstadter

Matt’s Reviews: Anti-intellectualism in American Life by Richard Hofstadter

  Publisher:            Alfred A. Knopf   Publish Date:       1969   Copyright Date:   1962   Pages:                 434   Author:                 Richard Hofstadter   ISBN (The version I read from the library pre-dated ISBN, but a more recent edition):    ISBN13: 9780394703176    ISBN10: 0394703170 Anti-intellectualism […]

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The Big Idea: José Pablo Iriarte

Author José Pablo Iriarte is here today to tell us a bit about his debut middle grade novel, Benny Ramírez and the Nearly Departed. Both his novel and his Big Idea feature a feeling many […]

The Big Idea: Zilka Joseph

  The world is wider than we often know, with more people and communities in them than many of us have heard of before. In Sweet Malida: Memories of a Bene Israel Woman, author Zilka […]

The Big Idea: Kerrie Faye

Sometimes as an author, you have to work to develop a character. And sometimes, they just… appear. Which of these did author Kerry Faye have happen for her novel Dead Girl? She’s here now to […]


Science Fiction

class="wp-block-gutenbee-post-types block-31596a-1e28-4a is-style-ignition-public-opinion-entries-compact"

Book Cover: Noor by Nnedi Okorafor

Matt’s Reviews: Noor by Nnedi Okorafor

ISBN:                  9780756416096   Publication date: 11/16/2021   Publisher:            PENGUIN PUTNAM TRADE   Pages:                224   Author:               Nnedi Okorafor Noor by Nnedi Okorafor is another African-based science fiction novel from the author. Okorafor mixes traditions, cultures and technologies from the […]


Many, if not most, SF fans who are readers would really like to see a movie made from his works that adhered to Heinlein’s story and didn’t take great leaps away from his ideas to someone else’s, as in the Paul Verhoeven Starship Troopers. I think Predestination is one that Heinlein would have liked. Do you agree?

Masefield Prospect

One of the joys of Science Fiction Haiku is the ability to imagine a world where seasons last thousands of years. Masefield Prospect smart seeds glittering a cloud around a comet building Dyson trees by […]

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Novedades de Mayo 2

LIBROS Ayi Turzi se encuentra realizando una preventa del libro “Insólito y Fantástico. El otro cine Argentino” a precio especial hasta el 10 de junio. Se trata de una investigación sobre cine argentino de géneros […]


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Novedades de Mayo 2

LIBROS Ayi Turzi se encuentra realizando una preventa del libro “Insólito y Fantástico. El otro cine Argentino” a precio especial hasta el 10 de junio. Se trata de una investigación sobre cine argentino de géneros […]

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The Big Idea: Laura R. Samotin

For The Sins On Their Bones, author Laura R. Samotin was challenged to do several tricky things at once in order to make the whole story work. And how were these things tricky things accomplished? […]

Dresden Files TV Series

Matt’s (TV) Reviews: The Dresden Files

The Dresden Files TV Series is very loosely based on the series of books and comics by Jim Butcher.    If you are a fan of those books, read this review before you watch the […]

Book View Cafe Readings: In Ashes Lie by Marie Brennan

Book View Café is an author-owned and operated publishing cooperative of New York Times bestselling authors and award winners, among them, the late Ursula K. Le Guin. Our authors write across all genres, from science fiction to […]


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SpaceX Starship Test Flight 4

SpaceX successfully launched its fourth test of its Starship/Heavy Booster combination. Starship successfully reached orbital insertion and the heavy booster successfully performed its landing operations – boostback burn and landing burn – before dropping into […]

Book Cover: I Am A Strange Loop by Douglas Hofstadter

Matt’s Reviews: I Am A Strange Loop by Douglas Hofstadter

 Publisher:            BASIC BOOKS  Publication date: 07/08/2008  Copyright Date:   2007  Pages:                  436  ISBN-13:              978-0-465-03079-8  ISBN-10:              0-465-03079-3  Author:                Douglas Hofstadter I Am A Strange Loop by Douglas Hofstadter is the author’s attempt to explain his thoughts on […]

Book Cover: Anti-intellectualism in American Life by Richard Hofstadter

Matt’s Reviews: Anti-intellectualism in American Life by Richard Hofstadter

  Publisher:            Alfred A. Knopf   Publish Date:       1969   Copyright Date:   1962   Pages:                 434   Author:                 Richard Hofstadter   ISBN (The version I read from the library pre-dated ISBN, but a more recent edition):    ISBN13: 9780394703176    ISBN10: 0394703170 Anti-intellectualism […]

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Book Cover: Range by David Epstein

Matt’s Reviews: Range: How Generalists Triumph In A Specialized World by David Epstein

  Publisher:             RIVERHEAD BOOKS/PENGUIN PUTNAM Publication date: 04/27/2021 Pages:                    368 ISBN:                     9780735214507 Author:                  David Epstein   Range: How Generalists Triumph In A Specialized World  by David Epstein includes several real world examples […]

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