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Link Building Services|Backlinks Building Experts 2023 – SEO Expert Musah


Link Building Services|Backlinks Building Experts 2023

Trusted Link Building Experts to Boost Your Rankings from Established Sites

Want to move your website up in the search engine results for your most valuable keywords? Link building remains one of the most effective strategies for accomplishing this goal in 2023.

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Rank Higher with Help from a Backlink Building Pro


Link Building


Ranking Check


Page1 Ranking




Outrank Competitors

Keyword research

On-page Analysis

Site speed analysis


Technical SEO audit

Link analysis

Competitive analysis

Rank tracking

Site traffic analysis

Conversion tracking

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The SEO Believers

Customers trust our service and here is what they have to say

Musah is a true SEO wizard! He took my website from the dragon-infested depths of page 10 to the peak of page 1 in just 3 months! Now we are getting flooded with customers every day. I don’t know how he did it, but his magical SEO skills are incredible.

Mark Anderson

eCommer Store Owner

Working with Musah was the best business decision I ever made. He optimized every corner of my website until it was Google-proof. Now I have a fortress site securing that coveted #1 spot against even the most ruthless competitors. Musah’s SEO expertise is second to none

Mark Anderson

Marketing Director

Musah mapped out an ingenious custom SEO strategy tailored to my unique business goals. He unlocked opportunities I never knew existed! The man is an analytics and data prodigy. Thanks to Musah’s brilliant targeting, my traffic has doubled and sales are soaring high

Mark Anderson

Yoga Studio Owner

Musah really took the time to understand my business and customers. With his thoughtful SEO insights and creative content ideas, my brand awareness increased exponentially! He is so much more than just an SEO guy – he’s a valuable strategic partner.

Mark Anderson

Founder of Tech Startup

Our website was completely lost before finding Musah. He was determined to get us on page 1 and never gave up until we ranked #1. We owe our success to his relentless effort and refusal to be outsmarted by Google. Musah has a heart of gold and truly cares

Mark Anderson

Charity Organization Director

Musah constantly improved our website month after month. Whenever Google changed anything, he was always 3 steps ahead. Now he handles all our SEO without us even asking. Musah is an SEO master who can outrank the competition in his sleep!

Mark Anderson

Co-founder of Fashion Brand

Link Building Made Easy: Grow with Backlinks from Trusted Sites

The Expert's Guide to Dominating Search with Link Building 2023

How Our Link Building Agency Increased Conversions by 75%

Know Your Audience Inside and Out

Research your target audience deeply including demographics, pain points, goals, and values. Craft content that specifically appeals to their desires and needs.


Links from niche authority sites suggest your content is relevant for that topic.


Links generally pass “reputation” in search algorithms, boosting your trust and authority.

Ranking Abilities

More links boost your page’s ability to rank for valuable keywords in search results.

Show Personality and Tell Stories

Inject your brand's voice into content worth sharing. Use anecdotes, humor, and emotion to forge connections with readers.

Promote Engagement

Include relevant links, FAQs, quizzes, comments sections. Make it easy for readers to react and share.

The Link Building Professionals – Connecting You with Influential Sites

Google has long used links as one of the main signals for determining the authority and relevance of pages in their search algorithm. The quantity and quality of external sites linking to your pages gives Google an idea of how useful that content is for searchers.

  • Relevant Sites

    Relevant Sites

    Links are built from reputable sites with related, high-quality content.

  • Content Promotion:

    Content Promotion:

    I use content like guest posts, infographics, and assets that sites are eager to publish.

  • Scalable Tactics:

    Scalable Tactics:

    Strategies allow ongoing link prospecting for sustained growth

  • Diverse Anchor Text

    Diverse Anchor Text

    Anchor text (the linked words) are varied and natural, avoiding overoptimization.

  • Manual Outreach:

    Manual Outreach:

    One-on-one, personalized pitches result in the best links

  • Link Authority

    Link Authority

    The goal is to build a diversified backlink profile that looks completely natural to search engines. This provides lasting results you can build upon over time.

Organic Growth Powered by Our Proven Link Building Strategies


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As an experienced search engine optimization and link building specialist, I offer white hat link building services to help companies like yours gain an edge over competitors.

Get free website analysis to know whats wrong with your online business and how to fix it


Backlink Building for Conversions: Our Secret Sauce

Boost Your Online Presence!. SEO

Dive into the world of SEO with an expert touch. Let’s elevate your brand today!

With expert SEO strategies, watch your website climb to the top. Start your ascent now!

Rank Higher & Sell More

tel:+49 1577 69380 38

Local SEO Link Building

For local businesses, I specialize in building locally-targeted links to boost local SEO and map pack rankings. Tactics include:

  • Claiming and optimizing free business listing profiles

  • Guest posting on regional blogs and publications

  • Getting added to niche directories relevant for your city and industry

  • Building links from other local businesses through partnerships and outreach

  • Sponsoring local events, teams, and community organizations


eCommerce Link Building

For online stores, I can build links to your products, categories, and brand-related content through:

  • Contributed articles on affiliate websites and product review blogs

  • Outreach to promote product awards/accolades won

  • Infographics showcasing product comparisons or guides

  • Sponsoring niche shopping YouTube channels or influencers

  • Building relationships with complementary brands

Research Target Websites

Identify relevant sites and influencers in your industry with high domain authority and traffic. These become prime targets for outreach.

Craft Personalized and Valuable Pitches

Customize your outreach emails to provide value to the recipient. Demonstrate knowledge of their site and how your content can benefit their audience.

Offer Quality Linkworthy Assets

Provide guest posts, infographics, or other high-quality resources they can use to link back to your site. Ensure you have useful content to share.

Follow Up Professionally

If you don't receive a response, follow up politely 1-2 weeks later. Maintain professionalism and persistence in your efforts.

Focus on Relationship Building

Don't just blast impersonal pitch emails. Invest time cultivating real connections with influencers and exploring ways to mutually support each other.

Track and Analyze Results

Use link tracking software to monitor the value of links gained through outreach. Analyze which strategies deliver the best ROI and relationships.

Your Backlink Profile is Our Blank Canvas – Get Quality Links that Convert

Tap Into Your Site’s Hidden SEO Power. SEO EXPERT

We are more than just an SEO company – we are digital growth strategists. Through our proprietary process, we unlock the fullest online potential of businesses just like yours.

Claim Your #1 Ranking

tel:+49 1577 69380 38

Our Recent Blog

Unlock the secrets of modern SEO and marketing with our latest blog post! Dive into cutting-edge strategies, expert insights, and actionable tips that can propel your brand to the forefront of the digital landscape. Don’t miss out on the blueprint for online success!



Mastering Technical SEO: Best Practices & Advanced Techniques


Mastering Technical SEO: Best Practices & Advanced Techniques

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Ultimate Guide to Page Speed Optimization: Boost Your Site’s Performance


Ultimate Guide to Page Speed Optimization: Boost Your Site’s Performance

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Complete On-Page SEO Guide: How to Optimize Pages for Higher Rankings


Complete On-Page SEO Guide: How to Optimize Pages for Higher Rankings

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Boost Your Rankings with a Powerful Link-Building Agency

Competitor Link Building Analysis

We research where your competitors are acquiring links and the anchor text/pages they’re targeting. This reveals:

  • Prospects you may be missing for new link opportunities

  • Their link building strategies to inform your own efforts

  • Pages and keywords attracting the most links from authority sites


Link Building for Professionals: The Ultimate Guide to Generating ROI

Article/Guest Post Link Building

Content promotion remains one of the best link building techniques. I handle:

  • Writing SEO-optimized articles related to your business

  • Identifying the best publisher options in your niche

  • Securing dofollow backlinks within published guest posts

  • Promoting your articles across my extensive network


The Expert Agency’s Proven Framework for High-Impact Link Building

Infographic Link Building

Creative visual content can attract tons of links. Services include:

  • Infographic design customized with your messaging

  • Distribution to niche blogs eager for visual assets

  • Placing your infographic on forums, communities, and websites

  • Leveraging outreach and partnerships for additional links

The strategies go far beyond just these examples. I assess your industry, competition, and goals to determine the right approach.


Link Building Pricing and Process

My flexible link building packages cater to all business sizes and budgets. Pricing depends on factors like:

  • Your industry competitiveness

  • Monthly link building volume needed

  • Project duration and link targets

Packages typically start around $500/month for smaller sites and scale up based on your goals.

My process follows a proven methodology:

1. Site Audit and Analysis

I perform in-depth analysis of your current link profile, rankings, and competitors. This informs our link building strategy.

2. Campaign Planning

We determine content needs, anchor text targets, outreach lists, and other specifics to align activities with your goals.

3. Content Development

My team can create any needed content assets like articles, guest posts, or infographics to use for link prospecting.

4. Link Outreach

We conduct personalized outreach to webmasters and site owners to share your content and secure backlinks.

5. Link Tracking and Reporting

All links are tagged to provide transparent, updated reporting on placements achieved.

6. Optimization

We continually optimize efforts based on the results we see from our building activities.

Typical engagements last 6-12 months to achieve significant link volume. I'd be happy to provide a custom quote outlining an approach tailored to your site and industry.

Tap Into Your Site’s Hidden SEO Power. SEO EXPERT

We are more than just an SEO company – we are digital growth strategists. Through our proprietary process, we unlock the fullest online potential of businesses just like yours.

Claim Your #1 Ranking

tel:+49 1577 69380 38

Why Work With a Link Building Agency?

Save Time

Link prospecting, outreach, and negotiations can be incredibly time consuming. Our managed service handles everything end-to-end.

Gain Expertise

We intimately understand which strategies work today – and which don’t. Our dedicated focus is always on white hat link building.

Increase Diversity

We have an extensive network and connections your internal team likely can’t match. This results in more link diversity.

Drive Results

Our campaigns deliver real, measurable wins in SEO visibility and traffic. Our past clients have enjoyed:

  • 800% higher organic traffic

  • 10+ position jumps for target keywords

  • Doubling of keyword rankings month-over-month


FAQ Frequently Asked Questions About Link Building

Link building is a crucial part of any SEO strategy. By obtaining high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites, you can improve your site’s search engine rankings and increase referral traffic. However, link building can also be complex and time-consuming.

To help make sense of link building best practices, I’ve compiled this FAQ guide covering the 50 most common questions people have about backlinks, anchor text, outreach, and more.

Finding Link Building Opportunities

Backlinks don’t just appear out of thin air. You need to research and identify relevant websites that are likely to link back to your site. Here are some of the top questions around discovering link building prospects:

What are the best tools for finding link building opportunities?

Some of the most popular link building tools include Ahrefs, Moz, SEMrush, Majestic, and BuzzSumo. These tools help you research competitor links, identify influential sites, and discover relevant guest post and outreach opportunities.

Where can I find link-worthy blogs and websites to pitch?

Focus on industry-specific blogs, popular online magazines, relevant niche sites, local business directories, and authoritative publications related to your target keywords. Use tools like BuzzSumo to find trending content and SEMrush for backlink analysis.

How do I identify the best pages to get links from?

Prioritize pages that already rank well for your target keywords. The homepage and popular evergreen content like guides and resources also tend to be strong choices. Use a tool like Ahrefs to analyze the top pages based on organic traffic and backlinks.

What metrics indicate a good site to get links from?

Look for high domain authority, strong organic traffic, and a solid volume of existing backlinks from other quality sites. You can find this data in Ahrefs, Moz, Majestic and other SEO tools.

Optimizing Your Link Building Outreach

Once you’ve identified prospects, you need to craft effective outreach emails and pitches. Here are some key questions around optimizing your outreach for the best response rates:

What makes for an effective link building email?

Personalization, relevance, brevity, and a clear call to action are key. Make sure you research who you’re emailing in advance and explain why a link would be valuable to their audience. Offer to create free, useful content for them like guest posts or infographics.

How do I avoid looking spammy or sketchy in my link building outreach?

Avoid using spammy keywords like “SEO,” “backlink,” or “sponsorship” too much. Be transparent that you run the site you’re requesting a link for. Focus your pitch on helping the site’s audience rather than your own SEO benefits.

What’s the best way to increase link building outreach response rates?

Follow up again if you don’t hear back at first. Look for other contacts at the website to reach out to. Make sure your emails aren’t getting caught in spam filters. Consider phone or social media outreach in addition to emails. Personalize each pitch rather than blasting the same message to every site.

Should I pay for sponsored guest posts and other paid links?

Google penalizes most paid links, so this is risky. Focus your efforts on earning links through great content and outreach. However, you may consider paid placements on a handful of authoritative, highly relevant sites in your niche.

Optimizing Link Anchor Text

The words used for your backlink anchor text impact SEO. Here are some key anchor text considerations:

Tracking Link Building Results

Measuring the impact of your link building is crucial for determining ROI. Here are some top questions around tracking link building results:

What are the top metrics for measuring link building success?

Track rankings in Google Search Console, organic traffic in Google Analytics, visibility data in Ahrefs and Moz, and direct referral traffic from earned links. Site authority metrics like domain authority may increase as well.

How long does it take to see SEO results from link building?

Depending on the competitiveness of your keywords, it can take 2-4 months to begin seeing measurable improvements from a new link. But a steady link building strategy will have compounding effects over time.

If a manual penalty was applied, disavowing spammy links can help. Otherwise, focus on building new high-quality links rather than disavowing. The effects are typically marginal.

If a manual penalty was applied, disavowing spammy links can help. Otherwise, focus on building new high-quality links rather than disavowing. The effects are typically marginal.

How do I demonstrate link building ROI to my clients/boss?

Document increased organic traffic, conversions, and rankings in your reports. Pull comparison data from before and after big link building wins. Crediting specific backlinks that produced spikes can also help illustrate ROI.

What link building KPIs should I track for clients?

Monthly link acquisition numbers, rankings for target keywords, overall domain/page authority gains, organic sessions/users, goal conversions from organic traffic, and direct referral traffic from placements.

Link Building Maintenance

Like any marketing effort, link building requires ongoing maintenance for continued success. Here are some key questions around sustaining your link building results:

For established sites, aim for at least 5-10+ new links per month from a mix of link building activities. Higher volumes may be needed for new sites getting started.

For established sites, aim for at least 5-10+ new links per month from a mix of link building activities. Higher volumes may be needed for new sites getting started.

Is there a point of diminishing returns from too many links?

Yes – a “natural” site will only acquire so many backlinks organically over time. Spread your links out across different root domains. Quality over quantity is key – don’t destroy your site’s credibility with an excessive number of links.

Proactively survey your backlink profile to identify any questionable links. Reach out to request removals for toxic links you don’t want. Add a disavow file as a last resort if algorithmic penalties appear likely.

Proactively survey your backlink profile to identify any questionable links. Reach out to request removals for toxic links you don’t want. Add a disavow file as a last resort if algorithmic penalties appear likely.

What is optimal anchor text?

A mixture of branded, naked, and keyword-rich anchors. Having some anchors use your brand name (e.g. “Acme Marketing Agency”) helps indicate organizational ownership. Naked URLs like are natural. Keyword anchors (e.g. “social media marketing”) are SEO-friendly.

How much keyword anchor text should I build?

Ideally 5-20% of your backlinks should contain keywords. Too much looks unnatural. Brand name anchors should make up at least 10-15% as well.

Is exact match anchor text best for rankings?

Not anymore – exact match anchors are risky these days. Use LSI keyword variations (e.g. “content marketing” vs “marketing content”) which come across more naturally.

How do I track my anchor text profile and ratios?

Use either Ahrefs or SEMrush to analyze your current anchor text breakdown. Monitor this regularly as you build more links to maintain a natural link profile.

Link Building Tactics and Best Practices

Beyond basic outreach, there are many link earning tactics you can leverage. Here are answers to some common questions around executing successful link building campaigns:

What are some white hat link building tactics?

Guest posting, infographics, local citations, press releases, broken link building, influencer marketing, customer spotlights, online PR, etc. Focus on tactics Google views as “earned media.”

How do I get editorial links vs. sitewide footer links?

Editorial links come from actual mentions in content, like an article citation. These are more valuable than sitewide footer links so pitch writers directly with story ideas vs just a site owner.

How important are social shares for SEO?

While not direct links, social shares boost discovery and authority signals. Include social sharing buttons on content and interact on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest to build shares.

It depends on your business. If you operate locally, focus on local link building. If you want to rank globally, build links from international sites. Do geo-targeted on-page optimization as well.

It depends on your business. If you operate locally, focus on local link building. If you want to rank globally, build links from international sites. Do geo-targeted on-page optimization as well.

Google may penalize sites for manipulative tactics like private blog networks (PBNs), buying links, excessive keyword anchors, etc. Stick to building high-quality editorial links from relevant sites.

Google may penalize sites for manipulative tactics like private blog networks (PBNs), buying links, excessive keyword anchors, etc. Stick to building high-quality editorial links from relevant sites.

How can I improve existing links pointing to my site?

Refresh old content being linked to, correct broken pages, and reach out to ask for anchor text adjustments on risky links. Improve the overall quality of your site to incentivize upgrades too.

Should I reach out to update or remove outdated links?

If the pages they link to no longer exist or are irrelevant, yes. Having too many broken links can hurt your site’s credibility and user experience. Don’t obsess over pruning every outdated link though.

How can I maintain links long-term?

Nurture relationships with sites linking to you. Share their content periodically. Send new guest posts to renew links as old content gets stale. Monitor anchor text ratios and mentioning link updates when needed.

Hiring an Agency vs. DIY Link Building

Finally, a frequent question – should you hire professionals for link building or DIY?

Should I hire an SEO agency for link building?

If your budget allows, it can be well worth it, especially if you lack the time and in-house expertise. Look for an agency experienced specifically in link building versus general SEO. Ask for case studies and sample outreach templates.

What does a good link building agency or consultant provide?

Relevant prospect research, effective outreach, content promotion, anchor text monitoring, link building strategy, campaign execution, reporting on placements and rankings, disavowal management, and consulting/training as needed.

Is there any link building I should do myself in-house?

Yes, you can go after easy link opportunities like local citations, social shares, and guest posts on smaller personal blogs. Simple blogger outreach and writing guest posts yourself is totally manageable in-house.

Expect slower progress and more limited results. But consistent effort over time can move the needle, especially when combined with technical SEO. Partnering with an agency for bigger link building campaigns can give your DIY efforts a valuable boost too.

Expect slower progress and more limited results. But consistent effort over time can move the needle, especially when combined with technical SEO. Partnering with an agency for bigger link building campaigns can give your DIY efforts a valuable boost too.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, link building encompasses a wide range of strategy and tactics. By tapping into the amazing power of quality backlinks, you can elevate your site’s authority and search visibility – but it requires knowledge and persistence.

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