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JMS Legacy Foundation – Preserving and sharing Jose Maria Sison’s legacy for current and future generations in the struggle of humankind to build a new and better world.

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Preserving and sharing Jose Maria Sison’s legacy for current and future generations in the struggle of humankind to build a new and better world.

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Discover the extraordinary life of Jose Maria Sison, a revolutionary leader, poet, and advocate for social justice.

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Browse our chronological list of JMS' major writings, with descriptions and links to access or purchase.

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Foundation News

Stay updated with the latest announcements and events from the Jose Maria Sison Legacy Foundation.

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JMS Museum Logo

Preserving and sharing Jose Maria Sison’s legacy for current and future generations in the struggle of humankind to build a new and better world.

© 2025 Jose Maria Sison Legacy Foundation. All rights reserved.

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