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Kathe With an E

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Monday, August 1, 2016

You're Gonna Love It Time~Anything Goes!

Welcome to another week of the You're Gonna Love It link up party.  We can't wait to see what you have to share this week! Feel free to link up anything you have created (recipes, decor, crafts, written or photographed). Anything you are so proud of you just gotta share it with others. It is the first Tuesday of the month so ANYTHING GOES!!  (Etsy shops, giveaways, contests...you name it!)!

The Features of the Week

Dianne from Deanie's Stash shared her thrifty finds with us last week.

This is just a few of the treasures she found and I *heart* the fan!!

My pick of the week comes from Kelli over at 3 Boys and a Dog blog.

She shared some cleaning tips from the pros and I swear by #9!

If you have been featured here, or over at my  co-host Kim's blog, (she has a different Pick of the Week so go check it out...was it you?) make sure to grab an I've Been Featured button here.

Just a reminder: IF you follow me on Facebook you get first notice of this party going live each week. Plus, I share some pretty funny and awesome stuff on my page over there too (like my love for coffee)!

Now for this week's link-up! 

Feel free to link up anything you have created (recipes, decor, crafts, written or photographed). Anything you are so proud of you just gotta share it with others. It is the first Tuesday of the month so ANYTHING GOES!!  (Etsy shops, giveaways, contests...you name it!) 

You can follow Kim and I on social media, but it is not required. (We want you to follow us because you want to, not because you have to.)

Kim: Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Google+

Kathe: Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Google+

We would love it if you would link back in some way so that others come and party with us. Either grab the party button or add my blog link to your post or on your blog party page. But again, it's not required.

The Kim Six Fix

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

It's Time For The You're Gonna Love It Link Party!

Welcome friends!  Sorry that the party is a day late.  I had the scheduled date & time set wrong! No worries!  I know you are always ready to party with Kim & I no matter when it starts!

I hope you are all staying cool.  It's been super hot here in CO too and although I am not wishing for Fall yet, I am hoping for a cool down soon! I do know that a good link party helps to cool us all off, amiright?

It's Time For

The Features of the Week

The most viewed post last week were these Oatmeal Peanut Butter Protein Bites from Finding Zest.

And I can see why you all loved them!  They are a great no-bake treat!

My pick of the week is from Pamela over at the Brooklyn Farm Girl blog.

You have to go check out her recipe for Vegetarian Brown Sugar Collard Greens! Collards are one of my top 5 favorite veggies and I cannot wait to try these!

If you have been featured here, or over at my co-host Kim's blog, (she has a different Pick of the Week so go check it out...was it you?) make sure to grab an I've Been Featured button here.

Just a reminder: IF you follow me on Facebook you get first notice of this party going live each week. Plus, I share some pretty funny and awesome stuff on my page over there too (like my love for coffee)!

Now for this week's link-up! 

Here are the really easy party rules: 

Feel free to link up anything you have created (recipes, decor, crafts, written or photographed). Anything you are so proud of you just gotta share it with others.

You can follow Kim and I on social media, but it is not required. (We want you to follow us because you want to, not because you have to.)

KimFacebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Google+

Kathe: Facebook / Twitter Pinterest / Instagram / Google+

We would love it if you would link back in some way so that others come and party with us. Either grab the party button or add my blog link to your post or on your blog party page. But again, it's not required.

The Kim Six Fix

Monday, July 18, 2016

You're Gonna Love It Party

Happy mid July!  Or, as I like to call it, mid-summer!  I'm exactly sure when the middle of summer is official but, I'm thinking this week is it.  Hot temps and some humidity (or A LOT depending on where you are), all say we are half way thru the season. We all want to be outside but during the heat of the day, maybe it's best to be inside, working on projects?  Projects you can share here!!

 It's Time For

The Features of the Week

Ashleigh from Twnty Something in the 2010's showed us, step by step, how she transformed her bar stools!

I love a detailed tutorial and Ashleigh delivered that!  Her stools rock my world!

Speaking of makeovers, Janice, one of the DIY'ers that blogs over at Sawdust Sisters, is a genius and is one of my picks of the week. 

I'm tellin' you right now, head on over and see how she took a blah bathroom light fixture and put a vintage country spin on it!! It was a total SHUT. UP. moment for me!

In keeping with the makeover theme, you have to go check out how Randa over at The Bewitchin' Kitchen transformed her dated oak kitchen cabinets!

This is the before.  You need to head on over and see the beautiful after!

If you have been featured here, or over at my co-host Kim's blog, (she has a different Pick of the Week so go check it out...was it you?) make sure to grab an I've Been Featured button here.

Just a reminder: IF you follow me on Facebook you get first notice of this party going live each week. Plus, I share some pretty funny and awesome stuff on my page over there too (like my love for coffee)!

Now for this week's link-up! 

Here are the really easy party rules: 

Feel free to link up anything you have created (recipes, decor, crafts, written or photographed). Anything you are so proud of you just gotta share it with others.

You can follow Kim and I on social media, but it is not required. (We want you to follow us because you want to, not because you have to.)

KimFacebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Google+

Kathe: Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Google+

We would love it if you would link back in some way so that others come and party with us. Either grab the party button or add my blog link to your post or on your blog party page. But again, it's not required.

The Kim Six Fix

Monday, July 11, 2016

You're Gonna Love It Link Up Party

Hello friends.  My apologies for not posting the link up last week!  Life just got in the way and I am very sorry!  I hope you will link up double this week! I promise to share a bunch of featured posts next week!!

Just a reminder: IF you follow me on Facebook you get first notice of this party going live each week. Plus, I share some pretty funny and awesome stuff on my page over there too (like my love for coffee)!

Now for this week's link-up! 

Here are the really easy party rules: 

Feel free to link up anything you have created (recipes, decor, crafts, written or photographed). Anything you are so proud of you just gotta share it with others.

You can follow Kim and I on social media, but it is not required. (We want you to follow us because you want to, not because you have to.)

KimFacebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Google+

Kathe: Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Google+

We would love it if you would link back in some way so that others come and party with us. Either grab the party button or add my blog link to your post or on your blog party page. But again, it's not required.

The Kim Six Fix

Monday, June 27, 2016

You're Gonna Love It

Welcome friends!  Kim & I are thrilled that you choose to party with us each week!  We always look forward to everything you have to share with everyone! We also love that you check out what the other party participants have to share. Each week there are so many creative ideas for all of us to gain inspiration from so let's get the party started!

It's Time For

The Features of the Week

This weeks featured post is from Aly Cooking In Stilettos.

Her recipe for Coconut Almond Crusted Cod was a huge hit with all of you! 

My featured pick of the week comes from those Crafty Lumberjacks.

They took some leftover napkins and created some fun patriotic decor!

If you have been featured here, or over at my co-host Kim's blog, (she has a different Pick of the Week so go check it out...was it you?) make sure to grab an I've Been Featured button here.

Just a reminder: IF you follow me on Facebook you get first notice of this party going live each week. Plus, I share some pretty funny and awesome stuff on my page over there too (like my love for coffee)!

Now for this week's link-up! 

Here are the really easy party rules: 

Feel free to link up anything you have created (recipes, decor, crafts, written or photographed). Anything you are so proud of you just gotta share it with others.

You can follow Kim and I on social media, but it is not required. (We want you to follow us because you want to, not because you have to.)

KimFacebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Google+

Kathe: Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Google+

We would love it if you would link back in some way so that others come and party with us. Either grab the party button or add my blog link to your post or on your blog party page. But again, it's not required.

The Kim Six Fix

Monday, June 20, 2016

Summer's First You're Gonna Love It Link Party!

Whoohoo!  Summer has arrived!  And she came in as one hot mama!  We had record breaking temps over the weekend and we are enjoying every minute of it! The forecast looks to be the same for at least another week and me and my plants could not be happier!  It almost makes one forget the bitter cold winter we had!  I say we celebrate all that is summer with a rockin' party!

It's Time For

The Features of the Week

One of my favorite gardening bloggers, Stephanie from Garden Therapy, showed us how to keep the bugs away on these warm summer nights.

Her tutorial for Citronella Candles is so easy we can make our own!

My pick of the week is from Brandy over at Teaspoon of Goodness blog.

Oh doesn't her Cinnamon Roll Frappe look cool and refreshing?? I'll be making this for sure!!

If you have been featured here, or over at my co-host Kim's blog, (she has a different Pick of the Week so go check it out...was it you?) make sure to grab an I've Been Featured button here.

Just a reminder: IF you follow me on Facebook you get first notice of this party going live each week. Plus, I share some pretty funny and awesome stuff on my page over there too (like my love for coffee)!

Now for this week's link-up! 

Here are the really easy party rules: 

Feel free to link up anything you have created (recipes, decor, crafts, written or photographed). Anything you are so proud of you just gotta share it with others.

You can follow Kim and I on social media, but it is not required. (We want you to follow us because you want to, not because you have to.)

KimFacebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Google+

Kathe: Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Google+

We would love it if you would link back in some way so that others come and party with us. Either grab the party button or add my blog link to your post or on your blog party page. But again, it's not required.

The Kim Six Fix

Monday, June 13, 2016

You're Going Love It Party!

Welcome back buddies!  I hope you had a wonderful weekend! I worked most of the weekend but it was slow so I was able to get off early enough to enjoy time with Mr. B and our wonderfully hot weather.  We went right from winter into summer it seems but I am okay with that!  I am so over the cold weather we had the past few months.  Now I know, in another few weeks I will be complaining about the dry 90's we will be having but for now, bring it!!

Right now, I am ready to see what you have to share with all of us so let the party begin!

It's Time For

The Features of the Week

Jeannie from For What It's Worth filled us in on something I wished she'd shared a few years ago!

Her post on 5 steps you need to consider before removing popcorn ceilings is spot on!! We made all of the same mistakes when we removed the popcorn ceiling in the dining room at our previous home. If you are thinking of doing this yourself, go now and read her post so that you have the upper hand on this project!

I love recipes that include the word "easy" and look yummy and that's why this post from Morgan from Morgan Manages Mommyhood is my pick of the week!

We are big fans of jambalaya and her one pot, easy recipe looks soooo good! I can't wait to try this tasty delight out on Mr. B!

If you have been featured here, or over at my co-host Kim's blog, (she has a different Pick of the Week so go check it out...was it you?) make sure to grab an I've Been Featured button here.

Just a reminder: IF you follow me on Facebook you get first notice of this party going live each week. Plus, I share some pretty funny and awesome stuff on my page over there too (like my love for coffee)!

Now for this week's link-up! 

Here are the really easy party rules: 

Feel free to link up anything you have created (recipes, decor, crafts, written or photographed). Anything you are so proud of you just gotta share it with others.

You can follow Kim and I on social media, but it is not required. (We want you to follow us because you want to, not because you have to.)

KimFacebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Google+

Kathe: Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Google+

We would love it if you would link back in some way so that others come and party with us. Either grab the party button or add my blog link to your post or on your blog party page. But again, it's not required.

The Kim Six Fix

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