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YMS Provide Addmissions in DG. Shipping Approved institute only
The main objects of the Youth Maritime Services to provide equal opportunities for education to people from all strata of the society by establishing training & educational institutions.
We are currently involved in various category of the training for Indian Seafarers in India. Training of Seafarers is done at DG Shipping Govt. Approved Training Institutes as per Owners Requirements.Our training partner for training and value added courses makes our presence in training at New Delhi, Chennai, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh.
GP Rating training (For 10th passed candidates) DECK CADET (For 12th passed candidates with PCM)
GP Rating means General Purpose Rating. GP Rating candidates are those who have been trained in both Deck and Engine Room tasks. Such ratings may be employed either in the deck department or...
Diploma in Nautical Science (DNS) The one-year DNS Course is a course leading to a B.Sc.(Applied Nautical Science) after 18 months of sea service and also leading to 2nd Mate Foreign going Certificate...
The Graduate Marine Engineering (GME) Course is a one-year pre-sea Training course for Graduates who have completed BE /B Tech in Mechanical Engineering or Naval Architecture. GME is a course...
Merchant Navy as a Career
Today, over 90 per cent of cargo is transported across the world through ships. In a globalised world, the Merchant Navy forms a crucial component of International trade and contributes significantly to the economy of a country.
A Sea profession is among the most rewarding professions not only with respect to facilities & earning ability, but additionally through traveling, seeing various states & meeting peoples from various countries.
A career in Merchant Navy is challenging as well as rewarding. You lead a very different life. As a Merchant mariner you become part of an industry that touches almost 90% of the things we use, one way or another.
An extremely large motivator for anyone is the charisma of pay- wages and bundles. The Merchant Navy offers exceptionally high payment scales, even for new entrants in the profession, beginning at about INR 15,000/- to 20,000/- and going up to about 2 Lakh per month according to the export-import needs, seniority etc. Officers and all crew members receive free meals on board and senior officers can take along their wives for the voyage. Generally salary in a foreign ships are higher especially the west European, U.S. and the Gulf.
Bharat Jain
Jatender Singh
Lokesh Yadav
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