homeimprovementweb.com Ads.txt file

Permission Denied - The Home Improvement Web Directory

The Home Improvement Web



Permission Denied


The Following Information has been Logged

Your IP Address:

Remote Port: 43684

User Agent (Browser):


You have reached this page because you are blocked from viewing the pages on http://www.homeimprovementweb.com/

Reasons could be from others who have abused our site in the past using the same ISP, Your IP address ,  or network as your computer. 

Reasons Include:

  • email spamming or form spamming our site

  • site downloading

  • log spamming

  • use of a proxy server which is frequently used for abuse

  • certain browser plug-ins

  • some web accelerators

If you are trying to download our site for some reason - don't. 

We have successfully filed DMCA reports and had many sites removed permanently from all search engines for duplicating our content and/or site design.  We have also
prosecuted and won monetary judgments for such acts. 

Please respect the hard work we have put into our site!!!

As abuse becomes more prevalent many Internet Service Providors (ISP's) entire services are being blocked from more and more websites.  Many ISP ignore
complaints filed with them from website owners and choose to do nothing - this leads to blocking of those like yourself who are using their services.  Most
of the abuse is from hacking attempts and downloading or duplicating our website.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this causes to some of the innocent users that have been forbidden from our website.  We suggest
you contact your ISP and file a complaint with them as the abusive users of their services have prevented you from viewing our website.

The Home Improvement Web Directory
- DIY Tips, Design, Decorating, Repair, and Improvement Information For The Consumer and Professional!

"Find the information you need for your home and property"

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