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Trust IAS Public Administration Optional E learning platform



An Advance Intractive and Simplified Learning Experience
by Ashish Kumar Sir

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Sociology Test Series by Lipsa Pradhan Mam

Starting from 15th September 2024

Public Administration For UPSC CSE 2025 (Flexi - Batch)

The Public Administration course for the UPSC Civil Services Examination is designed to provide a deep understanding of administrative theories, principles, and practices relevant to governance and public policy in India. This subject, offered as an optional in the Mains examination, is one of the most popular choices due to its relevance to the functioning of government and public sector management. You will be guided by a Team led by Ashish kumar Sir who is well known for teaching style and Captivating Classes.

Aadhaar Indian Polity Batch (Recorded Session Batch)

The Subscription involves recorded sessions of Indian Polity Completely taken by Ashish Sir in the ongoing live batch of 2024.

Subscription Package

Take Your UPSC Preparation to Next Level with Trust IAS learning Platform

d="M18.7906 17.1474C18.582 16.9345 18.3335 16.7649 18.0593 16.6481C17.785 16.5313 17.4905 16.4697 17.1924 16.4668C16.8944 16.4639 16.5987 16.5197 16.3222 16.6312C16.0458 16.7426 15.794 16.9074 15.5813 17.1161C13.1749 19.5086 11.266 22.3538 9.9648 25.4877C8.66361 28.6217 7.99584 31.9822 8.00002 35.3755C7.99612 38.899 8.71644 42.3857 10.1163 45.6192C11.5161 48.8527 13.5656 51.764 16.1375 54.1724C16.5704 54.5725 17.1422 54.7882 17.7315 54.7736C18.3208 54.759 18.8812 54.5153 19.2938 54.0943C20.2813 53.1068 20.1594 51.5349 19.2094 50.6255C17.1453 48.6584 15.5028 46.2922 14.3816 43.6706C13.2605 41.049 12.6841 38.2268 12.6875 35.3755C12.6875 29.6068 15.0031 24.3755 18.7594 20.5693C19.6656 19.6474 19.7594 18.1161 18.7906 17.1474Z"
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d="M24.2938 22.6536C23.8822 22.2301 23.3195 21.9871 22.7291 21.9777C22.1386 21.9683 21.5686 22.1934 21.1438 22.6036C19.4526 24.2726 18.1103 26.2613 17.1951 28.454C16.2798 30.6466 15.8098 32.9994 15.8125 35.3755C15.8125 40.663 18.0938 45.4161 21.7281 48.7005C22.157 49.0794 22.7153 49.2788 23.2872 49.2572C23.8591 49.2357 24.4008 48.9949 24.8 48.5848C25.825 47.5598 25.6344 45.9473 24.6719 45.0411C23.3525 43.8009 22.3016 42.3032 21.584 40.6407C20.8665 38.9782 20.4975 37.1862 20.5 35.3755C20.5 31.7817 21.9281 28.5192 24.25 26.1255C25.1438 25.2067 25.2906 23.6474 24.2938 22.6536Z"
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d="M41.7062 22.6536C42.1178 22.2301 42.6805 21.9871 43.2709 21.9777C43.8614 21.9683 44.4314 22.1934 44.8562 22.6036C46.5474 24.2726 47.8897 26.2613 48.8049 28.454C49.7202 30.6466 50.1902 32.9994 50.1875 35.3755C50.1875 40.663 47.9062 45.4161 44.2719 48.7005C43.843 49.0794 43.2847 49.2788 42.7128 49.2572C42.1409 49.2357 41.5992 48.9949 41.2 48.5848C40.175 47.5598 40.3656 45.9473 41.3281 45.0411C42.6475 43.8009 43.6984 42.3032 44.416 40.6407C45.1335 38.9782 45.5025 37.1862 45.5 35.3755C45.5 31.7817 44.0719 28.5192 41.75 26.1255C40.8562 25.2067 40.7094 23.6474 41.7062 22.6536Z"
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d="M47.2093 17.1474C47.418 16.9345 47.6665 16.7649 47.9407 16.6481C48.215 16.5313 48.5095 16.4697 48.8075 16.4668C49.1056 16.4639 49.4013 16.5197 49.6777 16.6312C49.9542 16.7426 50.206 16.9074 50.4187 17.1161C52.8251 19.5086 54.734 22.3538 56.0352 25.4877C57.3364 28.6217 58.0041 31.9822 58 35.3755C58.0039 38.899 57.2835 42.3857 55.8837 45.6192C54.4839 48.8527 52.4344 51.764 49.8625 54.1724C49.4296 54.5725 48.8578 54.7882 48.2685 54.7736C47.6792 54.759 47.1188 54.5153 46.7062 54.0943C45.7187 53.1068 45.8406 51.5349 46.7937 50.6255C48.8572 48.6582 50.4992 46.2918 51.6198 43.6702C52.7404 41.0486 53.3163 38.2266 53.3125 35.3755C53.3125 29.6068 50.9968 24.3755 47.2406 20.5693C46.3343 19.6474 46.2406 18.1161 47.2093 17.1474Z"
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d="M33 30.6879C31.7568 30.6879 30.5645 31.1817 29.6854 32.0608C28.8063 32.9399 28.3125 34.1322 28.3125 35.3754C28.3125 36.6186 28.8063 37.8109 29.6854 38.6899C30.5645 39.569 31.7568 40.0629 33 40.0629C34.2432 40.0629 35.4355 39.569 36.3145 38.6899C37.1936 37.8109 37.6875 36.6186 37.6875 35.3754C37.6875 34.1322 37.1936 32.9399 36.3145 32.0608C35.4355 31.1817 34.2432 30.6879 33 30.6879Z"
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Live Classes

Chat with Ashish Sir, ask your doubts, and get answers in real-time.

d="M51.7259 54.0346H14.2625C12.5389 54.0346 11.0673 53.4248 9.84782 52.2053C8.62831 50.9858 8.01855 49.5143 8.01855 47.7907V22.8151C8.01855 21.9695 8.3275 21.2378 8.94538 20.62C9.56327 20.0021 10.295 19.6931 11.1405 19.6931H34.5551L36.799 15.5956C37.0267 14.9777 37.482 14.4655 38.1649 14.059C38.8478 13.6525 39.5633 13.4492 40.3112 13.4492H52.0186C52.799 13.4492 53.5307 13.6525 54.2137 14.059C54.8966 14.4655 55.3681 14.9777 55.6283 15.5956L57.9698 19.6931V47.7907C57.9698 49.5143 57.36 50.9858 56.1405 52.2053C54.921 53.4248 53.4494 54.0346 51.7259 54.0346ZM48.6039 25.937H17.3844V47.7907H48.6039V25.937ZM26.7503 44.6687V29.059L42.36 36.8639L26.7503 44.6687ZM10.2625 12.4736C10.4901 11.8557 10.9454 11.3435 11.6283 10.937C12.3112 10.5305 13.0267 10.3273 13.7747 10.3273H25.482C26.2625 10.3273 26.9942 10.5305 27.6771 10.937C28.36 11.3435 28.8316 11.8557 29.0917 12.4736L31.4332 16.5712H8.01855L10.2625 12.4736Z"
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Recorded classes

Get Daily recorded within 1-2 hours after the live class.

d="M10.2235 53.1096H36.6765C37.8926 53.1096 38.8824 52.1199 38.8824 50.9037V22.9625C38.8824 22.9287 38.8676 22.8993 38.8632 22.8669C38.8591 22.8361 38.8527 22.8056 38.8441 22.7758C38.8153 22.6504 38.7533 22.5351 38.6647 22.4419L28.3721 12.1493C28.2554 12.0391 28.1064 11.9695 27.9471 11.9508C27.9162 11.9478 27.8868 11.9331 27.8529 11.9331H10.2147C8.99412 11.9331 8 12.9228 8 14.139V50.9037C8 52.1199 8.99706 53.1096 10.2235 53.1096ZM28.5882 14.4434L36.3721 22.2272H29.3235C29.1285 22.2272 28.9415 22.1498 28.8036 22.0119C28.6657 21.874 28.5882 21.6869 28.5882 21.4919V14.4434ZM9.47059 14.139C9.47059 13.7331 9.80441 13.4037 10.2147 13.4037H27.1176V21.4919C27.1176 22.7081 28.1074 23.6978 29.3235 23.6978H37.4118V50.9037C37.4118 51.0987 37.3343 51.2857 37.1964 51.4236C37.0585 51.5615 36.8715 51.639 36.6765 51.639H10.2235C10.1258 51.6401 10.0288 51.6221 9.93809 51.5857C9.84736 51.5494 9.76468 51.4956 9.69476 51.4273C9.62484 51.359 9.56906 51.2776 9.53059 51.1878C9.49213 51.0979 9.47174 51.0014 9.47059 50.9037V14.139Z"
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d="M14.6176 29.5802H32.2647C32.4597 29.5802 32.6467 29.5027 32.7846 29.3648C32.9225 29.227 33 29.0399 33 28.8449C33 28.6499 32.9225 28.4629 32.7846 28.325C32.6467 28.1871 32.4597 28.1096 32.2647 28.1096H14.6176C14.4226 28.1096 14.2356 28.1871 14.0977 28.325C13.9598 28.4629 13.8824 28.6499 13.8824 28.8449C13.8824 29.0399 13.9598 29.227 14.0977 29.3648C14.2356 29.5027 14.4226 29.5802 14.6176 29.5802Z"
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d="M14.6176 35.4625H32.2647C32.4597 35.4625 32.6467 35.3851 32.7846 35.2472C32.9225 35.1093 33 34.9222 33 34.7272C33 34.5322 32.9225 34.3452 32.7846 34.2073C32.6467 34.0694 32.4597 33.9919 32.2647 33.9919H14.6176C14.4226 33.9919 14.2356 34.0694 14.0977 34.2073C13.9598 34.3452 13.8824 34.5322 13.8824 34.7272C13.8824 34.9222 13.9598 35.1093 14.0977 35.2472C14.2356 35.3851 14.4226 35.4625 14.6176 35.4625Z"
fill="#C42034" />
d="M14.6176 23.6978H21.9706C22.1656 23.6978 22.3526 23.6203 22.4905 23.4824C22.6284 23.3445 22.7059 23.1575 22.7059 22.9625C22.7059 22.7675 22.6284 22.5804 22.4905 22.4425C22.3526 22.3046 22.1656 22.2272 21.9706 22.2272H14.6176C14.4226 22.2272 14.2356 22.3046 14.0977 22.4425C13.9598 22.5804 13.8824 22.7675 13.8824 22.9625C13.8824 23.1575 13.9598 23.3445 14.0977 23.4824C14.2356 23.6203 14.4226 23.6978 14.6176 23.6978Z"
fill="#C42034" />
d="M14.6176 41.3449H32.2647C32.4597 41.3449 32.6467 41.2674 32.7846 41.1295C32.9225 40.9916 33 40.8046 33 40.6096C33 40.4145 32.9225 40.2275 32.7846 40.0896C32.6467 39.9517 32.4597 39.8743 32.2647 39.8743H14.6176C14.4226 39.8743 14.2356 39.9517 14.0977 40.0896C13.9598 40.2275 13.8824 40.4145 13.8824 40.6096C13.8824 40.8046 13.9598 40.9916 14.0977 41.1295C14.2356 41.2674 14.4226 41.3449 14.6176 41.3449Z"
fill="#C42034" />
d="M14.6176 47.2272H32.2647C32.4597 47.2272 32.6467 47.1497 32.7846 47.0118C32.9225 46.8739 33 46.6869 33 46.4919C33 46.2969 32.9225 46.1098 32.7846 45.972C32.6467 45.8341 32.4597 45.7566 32.2647 45.7566H14.6176C14.4226 45.7566 14.2356 45.8341 14.0977 45.972C13.9598 46.1098 13.8824 46.2969 13.8824 46.4919C13.8824 46.6869 13.9598 46.8739 14.0977 47.0118C14.2356 47.1497 14.4226 47.2272 14.6176 47.2272Z"
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d="M39.6176 19.286H46.2353V27.3743C46.2353 28.5904 47.225 29.5801 48.4412 29.5801H56.5294V56.786C56.5294 56.981 56.4519 57.1681 56.314 57.3059C56.1762 57.4438 55.9891 57.5213 55.7941 57.5213H29.3412C29.2435 57.5225 29.1465 57.5044 29.0557 57.4681C28.965 57.4317 28.8823 57.3779 28.8124 57.3096C28.7425 57.2413 28.6867 57.16 28.6482 57.0701C28.6098 56.9803 28.5894 56.8837 28.5882 56.786V55.3154C28.5882 55.1204 28.5108 54.9334 28.3729 54.7955C28.235 54.6576 28.048 54.5801 27.8529 54.5801C27.6579 54.5801 27.4709 54.6576 27.333 54.7955C27.1951 54.9334 27.1176 55.1204 27.1176 55.3154V56.786C27.1176 58.0022 28.1147 58.9919 29.3412 58.9919H55.7941C57.0103 58.9919 58 58.0022 58 56.786V28.8448C58 28.811 57.9853 28.7816 57.9809 28.7493C57.9768 28.7184 57.9704 28.688 57.9618 28.6581C57.9329 28.5327 57.871 28.4174 57.7824 28.3243L47.4897 18.0316C47.3739 17.9205 47.2243 17.8512 47.0647 17.8345C47.0338 17.8301 47.0044 17.8154 46.9706 17.8154H39.6176C39.4226 17.8154 39.2356 17.8929 39.0977 18.0308C38.9598 18.1687 38.8824 18.3557 38.8824 18.5507C38.8824 18.7457 38.9598 18.9328 39.0977 19.0707C39.2356 19.2085 39.4226 19.286 39.6176 19.286ZM48.4412 28.1095C48.2462 28.1095 48.0591 28.0321 47.9212 27.8942C47.7833 27.7563 47.7059 27.5693 47.7059 27.3743V20.3257L55.4897 28.1095H48.4412Z"
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d="M42.5588 35.4625H51.3823C51.5774 35.4625 51.7644 35.3851 51.9023 35.2472C52.0402 35.1093 52.1176 34.9222 52.1176 34.7272C52.1176 34.5322 52.0402 34.3452 51.9023 34.2073C51.7644 34.0694 51.5774 33.9919 51.3823 33.9919H42.5588C42.3638 33.9919 42.1768 34.0694 42.0389 34.2073C41.901 34.3452 41.8235 34.5322 41.8235 34.7272C41.8235 34.9222 41.901 35.1093 42.0389 35.2472C42.1768 35.3851 42.3638 35.4625 42.5588 35.4625Z"
fill="#C42034" />
d="M42.5588 41.3449H51.3823C51.5774 41.3449 51.7644 41.2674 51.9023 41.1295C52.0402 40.9916 52.1176 40.8046 52.1176 40.6096C52.1176 40.4145 52.0402 40.2275 51.9023 40.0896C51.7644 39.9517 51.5774 39.8743 51.3823 39.8743H42.5588C42.3638 39.8743 42.1768 39.9517 42.0389 40.0896C41.901 40.2275 41.8235 40.4145 41.8235 40.6096C41.8235 40.8046 41.901 40.9916 42.0389 41.1295C42.1768 41.2674 42.3638 41.3449 42.5588 41.3449Z"
fill="#C42034" />
d="M42.5588 47.2272H51.3823C51.5774 47.2272 51.7644 47.1497 51.9023 47.0118C52.0402 46.8739 52.1176 46.6869 52.1176 46.4919C52.1176 46.2969 52.0402 46.1098 51.9023 45.972C51.7644 45.8341 51.5774 45.7566 51.3823 45.7566H42.5588C42.3638 45.7566 42.1768 45.8341 42.0389 45.972C41.901 46.1098 41.8235 46.2969 41.8235 46.4919C41.8235 46.6869 41.901 46.8739 42.0389 47.0118C42.1768 47.1497 42.3638 47.2272 42.5588 47.2272Z"
fill="#C42034" />
d="M42.5588 53.1096H51.3823C51.5774 53.1096 51.7644 53.0322 51.9023 52.8943C52.0402 52.7564 52.1176 52.5693 52.1176 52.3743C52.1176 52.1793 52.0402 51.9923 51.9023 51.8544C51.7644 51.7165 51.5774 51.639 51.3823 51.639H42.5588C42.3638 51.639 42.1768 51.7165 42.0389 51.8544C41.901 51.9923 41.8235 52.1793 41.8235 52.3743C41.8235 52.5693 41.901 52.7564 42.0389 52.8943C42.1768 53.0322 42.3638 53.1096 42.5588 53.1096Z"
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Class notes & Assignments

Ellaborate class notes and Assignments on every topic with detailed feedback.

d="M51.75 51.5H47.5834V45.25C47.5834 44.6975 47.3639 44.1675 46.9732 43.7768C46.5825 43.3861 46.0526 43.1667 45.5 43.1667H35.0834V37.5208L37.4375 38.75C37.7808 38.9296 38.1674 39.0099 38.5539 38.9819C38.9403 38.9538 39.3113 38.8186 39.6251 38.5914C39.9389 38.3641 40.1831 38.0539 40.3303 37.6955C40.4775 37.337 40.5219 36.9447 40.4584 36.5625L39.625 31.625L43.2084 28.1041C43.4798 27.8391 43.6737 27.505 43.7691 27.1379C43.8646 26.7707 43.858 26.3845 43.75 26.0208C43.6293 25.6506 43.4072 25.3215 43.1089 25.0711C42.8106 24.8207 42.4481 24.659 42.0625 24.6041L37.1667 23.8333L34.875 19.3333C34.7044 18.9811 34.4381 18.684 34.1065 18.4762C33.7748 18.2683 33.3914 18.1581 33 18.1581C32.6087 18.1581 32.2252 18.2683 31.8936 18.4762C31.562 18.684 31.2956 18.9811 31.125 19.3333L28.8334 23.8333L23.8542 24.5625C23.4686 24.6173 23.1061 24.7791 22.8078 25.0295C22.5096 25.2799 22.2874 25.6089 22.1667 25.9791C22.0587 26.3428 22.0521 26.729 22.1476 27.0962C22.2431 27.4633 22.4369 27.7974 22.7084 28.0625L26.375 31.625L25.5417 36.5625C25.4782 36.9447 25.5225 37.337 25.6697 37.6955C25.8169 38.0539 26.0611 38.3641 26.3749 38.5914C26.6888 38.8186 27.0597 38.9538 27.4462 38.9819C27.8326 39.0099 28.2192 38.9296 28.5625 38.75L30.9167 37.5208V43.1667H20.5C19.9475 43.1667 19.4176 43.3861 19.0269 43.7768C18.6362 44.1675 18.4167 44.6975 18.4167 45.25V51.5H14.25C13.6975 51.5 13.1676 51.7195 12.7769 52.1102C12.3862 52.5009 12.1667 53.0308 12.1667 53.5833V57.75C12.1667 58.3025 12.3862 58.8324 12.7769 59.2231C13.1676 59.6138 13.6975 59.8333 14.25 59.8333C14.8026 59.8333 15.3325 59.6138 15.7232 59.2231C16.1139 58.8324 16.3334 58.3025 16.3334 57.75V55.6667H24.6667V57.75C24.6667 58.3025 24.8862 58.8324 25.2769 59.2231C25.6676 59.6138 26.1975 59.8333 26.75 59.8333C27.3026 59.8333 27.8325 59.6138 28.2232 59.2231C28.6139 58.8324 28.8334 58.3025 28.8334 57.75V53.5833C28.8334 53.0308 28.6139 52.5009 28.2232 52.1102C27.8325 51.7195 27.3026 51.5 26.75 51.5H22.5834V47.3333H43.4167V51.5H39.25C38.6975 51.5 38.1676 51.7195 37.7769 52.1102C37.3862 52.5009 37.1667 53.0308 37.1667 53.5833V57.75C37.1667 58.3025 37.3862 58.8324 37.7769 59.2231C38.1676 59.6138 38.6975 59.8333 39.25 59.8333C39.8026 59.8333 40.3325 59.6138 40.7232 59.2231C41.1139 58.8324 41.3334 58.3025 41.3334 57.75V55.6667H49.6667V57.75C49.6667 58.3025 49.8862 58.8324 50.2769 59.2231C50.6676 59.6138 51.1975 59.8333 51.75 59.8333C52.3026 59.8333 52.8325 59.6138 53.2232 59.2231C53.6139 58.8324 53.8334 58.3025 53.8334 57.75V53.5833C53.8334 53.0308 53.6139 52.5009 53.2232 52.1102C52.8325 51.7195 52.3026 51.5 51.75 51.5ZM33 31.9791C32.6581 31.9809 32.3218 32.0667 32.0209 32.2291L30.3542 33.1041L30.6667 31.2291C30.7214 30.8975 30.695 30.5575 30.5897 30.2383C30.4845 29.919 30.3037 29.63 30.0625 29.3958L28.7084 28.0625L30.5834 27.7916C30.9188 27.7468 31.2383 27.621 31.5141 27.425C31.79 27.2289 32.014 26.9687 32.1667 26.6666L33 24.9583L33.8334 26.6666C33.986 26.9687 34.21 27.2289 34.4859 27.425C34.7618 27.621 35.0812 27.7468 35.4167 27.7916L37.2917 28.0625L35.9375 29.3958C35.6964 29.63 35.5155 29.919 35.4103 30.2383C35.3051 30.5575 35.2787 30.8975 35.3334 31.2291L35.6459 33.1041L33.9792 32.2291C33.6783 32.0667 33.342 31.9809 33 31.9791Z"
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Structured courses

All our classes are structured in line with your exam syllabus to help you best prepare for it

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About Trust IAS

Trust IAS is an initiative by Ashish Kumar Sir, who is well known for his Polity classes and highly
interactive teaching style.
Trust IAS is taking a new approach to the regular boring classes by breaking down the most difficult
topics into the simplest forms.
Students get a smooth interactive live class to experience even on the 4G mobile network. We provide
detailed feedback on every assignment that helps you to learn and grow faster.
We also have a dedicated technical team of experts so that you don't have to waste your time on
automated support e-mails.



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