Our Clean energy works for Australia campaign is focused on sharing important details about clean energy including how it benefits Australians.
Through this campaign, we're sharing data, explainers, and busting all sorts of myths. We’ve also created energyfactcheck.com.au – your go-to resource for answers to the most common questions about the energy transition.
“It’s time we clear the air as the national energy conversation heats up – not just in our national interest, but in the best interests of Aussie households, businesses, farmers and manufacturers,” says our Chief Executive, Kane Thornton.
With more than 40 per cent of our grid already powered by clean energy, 40,000 additional jobs created by 2030, and $40 billion injected into the economy since 2020 alone, this is a time to ensure communities right across the country understand that clean energy, backed by pumped hydro, batteries, and small amounts of gas, works for Australia.
Visit the Clean Energy Council's social channels and subscribe to energyfactcheck.com.au to ensure you're armed with the facts to make informed decisions.
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Energising Australia
It can be hard to visualise the scale of production and cracking pace at which the renewable energy industry in Australia is already growing.
Our Energising Australia campaign highlights the important work happening all around Australia – through this video series, you can meet the many different people driving our nation-building renewable energy projects, which includes some of the world’s largest infrastructure.
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